Friday, September 7, 2012

The Newest Columnist for the Baltimore Sun, Lionel Foster

One of my closest friends, a man I've now known for 12+ years, just landed a job that he's not only a perfect fit for, but completely aligns with what he's like to do to help his city (Baltimore) grow and become a place that everyone would want to live or at the very least, appreciate.

Lionel Foster is the newest columnist for the Baltimore Sun and his first article just hit the InterWeb today! I'm posting this because I'm really proud of my friend but I'm also posting this because of what he stands for and what he seeks to achieve as it pertains to being from Baltimore and wanting to see the city grow and thrive That latter part is more important than anything else I could possibly mention here and I hope that by mentioning him and his column, you might give his first story a read and maybe you'll visit again next Friday or follow him on Twitter (@LionelBMD). He's sure to be informative, forward-thinking, and probably more entertaining than you'd think. You can check out his first column here (Native Son), and every Friday he'll have something fresh and new.

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