Friday, June 14, 2013

Images of the Week

Mannnn I'm so late. I thought I had posted these already, lol.

My cousin out in Vegas and managed to get himself a picture with Fiddy.

Ain't this the truth, lol.

As someone that bikes into work sometimes and nowhere else, this flier has me sold on expanding my biking horizons, lol.

This guy is a clown.

I wonder what these two could have been cooking up.

I hope Jay and Rae come out with something together, but not anything Jay-driven. Something Rae likes that Jay just throws a verse on.

It looks like him, but naaaaaahhhhhh.


This bama right here though, lol


Pretty much true.

It's not just kids that think this way.

Mine would be red, for sure.

Getting started early, lol.

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