I'm serious about the title by the way. These guys are at their best when their rapping recklessly about whatever it is they feel like rapping about at that given moment (ie - Stunt 101). Tony Yayo embodies this every time he raps actually. I think this guy just gets on the mic and says whatever is on his mind. It seems like any other time the unit tries to put together one of those lame formulaic songs-that 50 obviously constructs on his own and orders his underlings to do what he thinks they should be doing over some over-priced club track-the song pretty much sucks.
But "Feel Good" shows us the best of the collective known as G-Unit. That is, the ability to thrive as the underdog. When that is the case, they always seem to have that reckless abandon and lack of concern for what you think or have to say because they're just going to "do them". Think about Ja Rule's topple from the top to the bottom. Who was the underdog (or group of) that's responsible for that? And that is why this is when they're at they're best. And when they're at they're best, they are for d@mn sure entertaining. LOL. And I dare you to tell me that after Yayo's album flops, Bank's second album flops, Buck's second album flops, and Kanye vs. 50, that G-Unit is NOT the underdog. I rest my case! I predict that the next G-Unit album, Shoot to Kill, will be pretty good. If it's anything like the G-Unit Radio 25 mixtape, I'll buy it. The skits on that mixtape alone are worth the price of purchase (LOL).
Oh yeah, there's also a
"I love my sisters, I don't love no b*tch!"
Speaking of no Gayborhood...
I wonder if this...

...is what they meant when they wrote this...
A closer look...
The second set of pictures hits a little closer to home for me. I was at a bar last Tuesday and after paying for my drink, I got that dollar as part of my change. I could tell there was some writing on the bill so I looked a little closer and there you have it: "Niggers are ugly!"
Initially I was upset at the sight of the word because subconsciously I assumed it was some hate-filled non-Black person who wrote it. But after taking a minute to talk to BHill about it and then calm down a bit, I realized that I really had no reason to be upset. I'm not a ni99er and anyone could have written that, even a Black person! It made me realize that some people try way too hard to promote racism and hate. Regardless of who wrote it, they had to: 1) have the thought to write it, and then 2) actually go through with writing it. So I assume it was a coward who would never say something like this in anything other than an environment in which it's somehow considered acceptable. I kept the dollar and I doubt I'll ever spend it because I realize that I don't want to put that "hate" back into circulation. In addition, I think I will use this somewhere down the line to help educate some younger folks on the lengths people will go to in order to spread hatred.
"Hatred is ugly!"
Justice - D.A.N.C.E.
I have never seen this before but I think it just earned a spot in my top five videos of all the times. Very cool video!
"Oh what a feeling! I'm feeling LIFE!"
Euphoria? This is it...
This video
You could take that dollar to your bank of choice. Find a sympatheic teller and ask that it be put in their "to be removed from circulation pile.
Though it's destruction of federal property you could consider ripping it in half at the bank and asking for a replacement then you're almost assured it would be removed from circulation.
That Justice video is pretty cool too. I like!
I think it's really cool. One of the most creative videos I've seen.
I'm feeling the DANCE video too but they joint was blowing me cause I kept expecting to hear Wale` start spitting over that beatr. LOL!
that video was nominated for video of the year and won over kanye.. he was pretty upset about that. Of Course.
Oh THAT was the video? Man Kanye's video with Pam Anderson isn't even close to being as cool as that Justice video.
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