Mike I laugh at Tyson and the things he says but as a father raising a son and a daughter I think to myself I have to do all that I can so that first they never go through the things that Tyson went through and end up like him and finally I have to use HGH just to keep someone like Tyson away from my loved ones. America create Tyson, now we have to deal with him. When do we stop and realize what we are doing to our citizens.But like I said I laugh at him too. http://didhejustsaythat.blogspot.com/2007/07/come-on-mike.html
"America created Tyson". Good point.
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Mike I laugh at Tyson and the things he says but as a father raising a son and a daughter I think to myself I have to do all that I can so that first they never go through the things that Tyson went through and end up like him and finally I have to use HGH just to keep someone like Tyson away from my loved ones. America create Tyson, now we have to deal with him. When do we stop and realize what we are doing to our citizens.
But like I said I laugh at him too. http://didhejustsaythat.blogspot.com/2007/07/come-on-mike.html
"America created Tyson". Good point.
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