Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wilt "The Stilt" Chamberlain: The Black Ron Jeremy, sorta

And you thought they called him "The Stilt" because he was tall. And if you don't know who Ron Jeremy is, Google him.
I recently had the unfortunate thought of trying to figure out whether Wilt Chamberlain could have possibly pulled off sleeping with 20,000 women. Why you ask? I dunno. But when I thought about it I realized that 1) that's a lot of daggon women, 2) that's a lot of daggon sex, and 3) there was no Viagra back then, right?

Anyway, after soliciting K for some interWeb research help, I found out the following...

When Wilt made the statement his biography "A View From Above" in 1991 that he'd slept with 20,000 women, he really set himself up. Wilt was born in 1936. Let's assume he started having intercourse in 1948 at the age of 12 (this may or may not seem reasonable to you but if he slept with even half that many women he had to get a jump on his peers you'd think). And he actually stated that he started at 15, but I'm going to give him 3 extra years just to prove my point.

He made the claim in 1991 (or sometime within a year before since it's a book that has to go through the publishing process) so any "action" he got after that is not being taken into account. So, taking 1991 as the date he made the statement, that gives him from 1948 till 1991 to have sex with 20,000 women. That is 43 years. Seems like it might be doable (no pun intended) over such a long stretch of years. That is, until you really break down the numbers.

43 years means that he'd have to have sex with...

465 women/year
1.27 women/day

...for 43 straight years. Granted, 1.27 women per day doesn't really seem that difficult (I guess, if you have little self-respect and lots of sexual urges) but to maintain that consistency is probably beyond physically possible. 465 women per year does seem a bit unrealistic when you consider that lots of men try their best to get a phone number per day and can't even do that! Did they have Viagra back then? Cialis? I think NOT!

And assuming that Wilt didn't start getting regular lovin till he was A-list famous in his twenties, that's 8 years (from age 12 to 20) for him to be a regular Joe Schmoe just like the rest of us guys. You know, aside from the fact that he was tall as hell and had a full mustache in the 6th grade. LOL.

Now after he became famous we have to consider that he played basketball from (presumably) November till April that would mean that for at least 3 hours on most days during that time he wasn't having sex so that would force him to have sex with mor than 1.27 women per day during the off-season which seems a lot less plausible.

Even if he had sex with 10,000 women, that's 233 women/year which when speaking relative to 20,000 women in 43 years seems a little more realistic. Wilt was obviously not the average human being in terms of physicality so perhaps he could have bedded 233 women/year, but I doubt it very seriously.

There are several points to this story as I am sure some of you must be wondering why I wrote this. The first is that Wilt should have invested some of his basketball money into companies that produced the prophylactics he was using. He either stayed "strapped", was "shooting blanks" or forced a lot of women to have abortions because he didn't have any children. Second, HIV/AIDS must be man-made if Wilt did not contract that shyt. Third, too much sex can kill you. Wilt died at age 63 because of heart failure. Perhaps all that sexin' caught up with the "Big Dipper". LOL, I could not resist. Too much of anything is not a good thing. Fourth and most important, all you guys who think that having sex with as many women as you can is a bragging right can pretty much take the fact that even if Wilt only slept with a quarter of 20,000 women, you will never (and should never want to) eclipse that mark. On top of that, he died alone and lonely with two cats named Zip and Zap. A grown azz man with a sexual resume longer than the Nile River and two cats as companions? Seriously?

I believe Wilt said it best himself (albeit shortly before his death):
"Having a thousand different ladies is pretty cool, I have learned in my life I've found out that having one woman a thousand different times is much more satisfying."
Amen brother, Amen!


Daneger said...

The two cats line is hilarious! You have some valid points about the unlikelyhood of his claims but for some reason I think he probably still had a huge number. Especially since he was a very recognizable figure in an era where they had no worries about sex like we did. I know women in there 40s (I was in gradschool with) that told me how free they were in the 70s and they were kickin it with average joes. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Dane, this guy was 40+ in the 70s...Past his prime and out of the spotlight. I'd think that the women back in the 60s were a bit more conservative than women are nowadays. But I'm sure he had a large number of women, just not THAT many.

It is What It Is... said...

Hey - are either of you going to do a post or give your comments on the Micheal Vick stuff?

My father and cousin were talking about it and I'd like to get your perspective or opinion if you have you think he should be suspended and/or jailed?

Anonymous said...

To be honest, I haven't really given it all that much thought. Or I should say, gathered my thoughts. Vick pretty much made his bed to lay in on this one. I mean he has escaped other ish in the past and the powers that be were probably just waiting for something concrete to hit him with. I think I'd probably have way more to say about it than I could fit in one boring blogpost. But as details continue to emerge, I might do a post about it.

Until then, it's back to doing the math on how many women per millisecond Wilt Chamberlain would have to have had sex with to reach 20,000 in a 43-year span.

It is What It Is... said...

LOL - well keep a sister posted.

YOU know I get all my rap, sports and techy edu-ma-cation from you and dane...LOL


Anonymous said...

NO offense to Dane, but you're jye setting the bar really low (LOL) with me.

T.a.c.D said...

it truly amases me how your mind works sometimes...HA! but seriously, this is interesting...I agree with Dane though, they were pretty open back in the day and even though he was in his 40s he was still a "playa"...but the final quote you offered up says it all...i just hope, both brothers and sisters (since there are a lot of women now acting like they are men and want to bang out/turn out as many men as possible-a blog post i guess) will listen

A. B. said...
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A. B. said...

Zip and Zap, priceless. I think what we are ignoring is number one being in the NBA in the 60s is like being in undergrad living on campus in this era, sans Aids, going through eras which reinvented Roman Orgies, sexual freedom, womens liberation, and the big feet long schlong rule. LOL! Nowadays even average Joes have 3somes and 4somes and all they do is make it a blockbuster night and maybe pop some bottles. (So I have heard, LMAO) I believe with the right money and circumstances Wilt could have had 10 or 20 ladies in one day, if he was trying. Hell if I was a millionaire I damn should would have. No Kobe! I mean this brother did have pink mink carpet and a convertable roof over his round purple mink bed.

When you pimpin like them panties just dissapear.

AND if I had experience with 20000 women aint no way in hell I would trust one enough to marry. LMAO!