Barack Hussein Obama that is.
took a test to see who I should vote for in the 2008 election and it appears that Obama and I stand pretty close to one-another on most issues. According to this particular test anyway. My results are below (
by the way, who is Bill Richardson? LOL):
You match up well with...Barack Obama - 73% match
"You must be ambitious and idealistic, like Barack Obama. Obama is a liberal democrat who, unlike his rivals, opposed the Iraq war from the start. With only 8 years in the Senate, his inexperience worries some and sometimes reveals itself in the debates, but he also has the charisma and popular support that the others lack."
Bill Richardson - 67% match
"You're looking for a moderate Democrat like Bill Richardson. Experienced in state, national, and international politics, Richardson has been a Congressman, an ambassador to the United Nations Security Council, and is now the governor of New Mexico. He is pro-choice, strongly favors rights for the LGBT population, advocates for affirmative action in government contracts, and even championed the idea that Congress should revoke the original authority it gave to go to war with Iraq. Richardson also supports the death penalty and gun ownership rights."
Hillary Clinton - 65% match
"Hillary Clinton is a liberal democrat who is unpopular among conservatives for advocating universal health care, abortion rights, and civil unions. She is resented in the anti-war crowd for having authorized a military strike in Iraq and not apologizing since. People see her as power-hungry and willing to do anything to get to the top, even stay with her unfaithful husband. However, Clinton has 8 years of experience in the White House, 25 years in national politics and is currently serving her second term as a popular New York senator. She knows how to make and deliver policy which puts her ahead of the inexperienced presidential hopefuls."
Summing it all up, I guess I'm looking for a candidate with Barack's charisma, Bill's experience, and Hillary's marital resources (LOL).
Take the test for yourself.
Richardson (75%), Obama (74%), Dodd (71%).
But you know me, if Bloomberg enters the race I'm out. Actually, I'd like to see a Obama-McCain ticket. That's a winner to me!
I'm 78% Richardson, 78% Obama, 76% Clinton...I guess it really dont matter who I vote for. LMAO.
@LawRen: Obama-McCain...Uh, yeah. LOL. McCain kinda scares me. Like that he can kill you with his bare hands kinda scary.
@DaneGer: "We never voted. We voting for Oprah, Obama, and Eric B."
- Ghostface, "Barrel Brothers"
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