After listening to Crazy, by Kellz, I realized that it would not surprise me one bit if Kellz, Ursher, and Mrs. Ursher were in some sort of twisted bi-sexual love triangle. I swear R. Kelly came up with that Trapped in the Closet ish from his actual life. Tell me you'd put it past him. Tell me you'd put the bi-sexual love triangle thing past Usher's "put that on errything" azz.
In "Crazy", you'll get a chance to hear Kellz jack Ursher's singing style while speaking on Usher's relationship situation. Allegedly. This all sounds like it could be 100% true considering how much people specu-hate on Usher's relationship decisions. Otherwise, why would Kellz even make the song? This song will draw some attention (from people like me) I'm sure and it wouldn't be half as entertaining if Kellz were singing about two people who were never in the middle of relationship controversy. But, I am going to go out on a limb (no Mike Jack) and say that I don't think Kellz would spill these particular beans: 1) Without permission from Usher, or 2) unless it's all fabricated to sound like truth.
But with this guy, you really never know.
Regardless of whether it's partially true, completely true, or completely fabricated, I think it's quite an entertaining and interesting song. I'm sure lots of people will hate, but it kept my attention for a few minutes. Besides, this is probably just the beginning to some twisted sexual experiment that'll become known as The Horniest of Both Worlds or some ish like that. It'll be filled with super-freaky ish that Kellz has perfected and random relationship-based stuff that
Whether it's collabo's, sextapes, or multiple-personality songs, R. Kelly never ceases to entertain.

you have GOT to be kinding me...SMH
"specu-hate" ha ha, I love it!
Comments like those are why I blog.
i totally agree!
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