Today I just found out that he's only going to do 23 months in jail. Yes, ONLY 23 months. Or maybe I just know too many people who were locked up for like 5-10 years? My sentencing barometer could be off I guess. For all the hoopla and the destruction of his "reputation"/name it turns out this guy is only going to do roughly 2 years in jail. And considering he turned himself in a month ago (just about), he'll only really be doing 22 months in jail. Knowing a little about how the prison system works, it would not surprise me if he were out in a year and a couple months or after he's served 75% of that sentence.
So Vick's move to go "in" early was probably prompted by knowing that he wouldn't be doing as much time as most of us probably thought he would. He could only have been sentenced up to five years anyway (wow). But I'm sure his lawyers had an idea of how much time he'd get or a they had a deal in the works. One thing I found interesting was that the prosecutors recommended only 12-18 months in the bing for Vick. But the judge (shot out to the Virgina judicial system) decided he needed to dodge anal rape for a bit longer than that.

Sidebar: Also note in the last paragraph via the link how "dealing" firearms will get you 5 years but being caught with an illegal firearm will get you 10 years. Interesting. If you think about that along racial and/or economic lines, who will be dealing the firearms and who will be possessing an illegal firearm? You do the math. Now I'd continue to rant about how sentencing laws for cocaine possession vs crack possession are based on similar mathematics, but that's not the point of this post.
Back to Vick. To be honest I am glad to see that he isn't getting the book thrown at him even if the judge did give him more time than the prosecution suggested. Although I think what he did was wrong and that he should be punished, I thought that the media's coverage was unfair and so much damage has been done to this man's reputation that even after serving his "debt to society" he'll find it hard to achieve success again in anything he does. It's like Dave Chappelle said, once you're famous you can't become un-famous, but you can become infamous. And for Mike Vick, that may prove to take more away from his life than a couple years in jail.
i still think that the book was thrown at him 23 months for dog fighting...as you stated the math and things don't add up most times with convictions and like you also said, this man was dragged through the mud and some more over this...then the money he had to spend to care for the remaining dogs, unreal! the quote you stated is very true indeed
23 months? Nah. Homie financed a dogfighting operation and helped kill dogs. Dogs aren't people but they're still a living breathing animal that lots of humans love.
He probably would have gotten more time if he didn't take the plea and show remorse.
I mean a lot of dudes who have been in will tell you that 23 months is a walk in the park. I'm sure it's not a walk in the park unless you've been in for longer than that before and I am sure it won't be a walk in the park for Mike Vick. But still, I think it could have or would have been a lot worse so I am glad it's only 23 months.
true it could have been worse, but if the DA said 12-18 months, so he would have done what 9-15 months, which seems more reasonable...but you know hey...it is what it is...
Good point. But your idea of reasonable and my idea of reasonable doesn't really matter. The judge makes that call in the end and you know how they roll in the commonwealth state.
They be giving bamas more time than a little bit.
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