Most of you that know me, know that I grew up with 5 guys from the 4th grade that I'm still tight with. There are a couple other guys that grew up with us that we're tight with, but the 5 of us are the tightest. So whenever one of our birthdays comes around we tend to plan a dinner, club night, trip out of town, or something else we all agree would be fun to do as a celebration. W.G.'s bday is the first out of all of us each year and this year we decided last-minute to kick it at POSH Friday night. And boy oh boy did we have fun.
A few pictures from the night are below. I think we were all pretty well-smashed (except Bay, who does not drink) that night, but we all had a great time and everybody made it home safely.
Everybody except me. So it shouldn't be hard to figure out who took the picture.
I had to get in at least one of these group shots.

Jon & Prince
Not sure what they're laughing at but since they're always cracking jokes, it's anybody's guess.
My favorite shot of us from that night.


The birthday boy, W.G.! I believe Remy & Cranberry was the drink of choice.

awww ya'll look so handsome!
oh and POSH is literally a block up from my job, very nice choice for a hanging out spot
Thank you.
Nice Pics!!!
Thank you!
You guys look very handsome and from the looks of the pics, look like u had a nice time. My girls & I get together for birthdays as well.
Thank you. Yes, we had a ball! Of course I put the more web-friendly pictures up though. There are a few joints where we are looking bent. LOL.
posh is so my style!...been there a few times (menu could use a little work though :)
I am with you on that. It's got that exclusive, but still fun vibe. Kinda like the Miami club vibe in my opinion.
The calamari was pretty daggon good. I didn't eat anything else.
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