Meet William Torres of Allentown, Australia. Mr. Torres is an alleged drug dealer and murderer. A co-worker sent me a link to an article describing Mr. Torress alleged illegal activities. I say alleged because you're supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Then again, he is in Australia, so maybe those rules don't apply.
Obviously, I found this hilarious because this guy got picked up by the cops wearing some big-azz lion slippers. What's even funnier to me is that he was driving when the police caught him in the outfit seen above. My question(s) are...
- Where was he driving to? How many places are you going to go to dressed like this?
- Why does he have on a hoodie and SHORTS? I've never really understood this fashion choice so much.
- Knowing you do illegal activities and that you might have to run from the cops, why would you wear this type of footwear?
And in keeping with the theme of completely random and funny stuff, check out this craigslist posting for a "vagina couch" (may not be safe for work).

"For Sale - beautiful pink 'vagina couch' that I made in art school and no longer have space for. The couch is large: measures 5' 3" long, 3' 3" wide at the middle, and stands 2' 3" tall (and is heavy like a couch)...the couch has some scuffmarks and stains around the bottom...but otherwise is in excellent shape....I am asking for $600 and a loving home!"I don't know why anyone would want to make or buy a vagina so big they could sit in it. Just seems like an anatomical waste of time. "Like throwing a hot dog down a hallway."
"Like Throwing a hot dog down a hallway." One of my funnier catch phrases that I just realized I stole from Stewie on Family guy.
"Like throwing a hot dog down a hallway."
sometimes i don't know what to think...CLASSIC as always...
and yes this guy is a HAM!
I got that line from a co-worker. I think I laughed at that one for like a week straight, no lie.
Having been a teacher, these are things that make people wonder what the purpose of an assignment is? How am I going to use this in real life?
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