Props to SmartenUpNas for posting this video.
I have to admit that Rev. Al did a good job of explaining himself. And peep how after Al basically read her like Dr. Suess, she tried to set him up by saying "Do you agree..." presumably hoping to railroad him into a off-the-cuff answer.
This reminds me of a Scarface song, "Smartz"...

No secret, these m*thafuck*s figure I’m a threat
Cause I ain't falling short to the traps the demon set
Now sweat! Cause now I got my head in your books
And when I think 'cracker', my definition read 'crook'
Now look, we're living under laws that they set
Back then we were treated like dogs and wasn't shyt
And slowly but surely the shyt changed
They fault, but if you black, then you get blamed
A damn shame, that means this m*th*fuck*'s one-sided
And blacks, we get lost in the sauce, because we unguided
These muth*fuck*s had a plan from the start...
Let's take our minds behind enemy lines, so we can see how the demon acts
And how he set us up for failure in the first place...
You see, I'm hip to the games that you run
Like the games you run unfair, we can't get no fair one
Cause we was dealt the bad hand from the jump
And we can't deal, so we jack and get drunk
And might end up locked down or six feet
But in these streets a muth*fuck* gots to eat...
And these days were meant for all to keep trying
But we can't relate, so we fall and keep dying
Open your muth*fuck&ng eyes who your enemy
The muth*fuck*s dyin or the muth*fuck*s killin you? ...
You put your crack on my table
I turn my axe on my neighbor
And my back to my savior
You had me thinking you were almighty
But to the almighty you're just and as man we all tiny
The maker will open up our minds to see
That heaven ain't a place here on earth, you gots to leave
And once we leave, we stand between eternal peace and eternal pain
And you the beast shall meet eternal flame
So let it rain, wash away up all my bad things
And put some laughter in our hearts again
Now black men, stand up, let's come together as a whole race
And don't be fed up by the old days
They tried to do us like the indians, killin us like wild beast
And show more love for the chinese
And kept us trapped up in a small room
And made decisions on our life we accepted that left us all doomed
They sabotaged and they camouflaged
But if these ni99*s came to crank up some shit, then I be down to ride
These muth*fuck*s had a plan from the start
The only way to beat em is to think, cause they smart
Okay, I promise this is my last comment for the day, but I just had to comment on the video. Oh, how I wish Rev. Sharpton could have shut Greta's talk-out-the-side-of-her-mouth arse up. I can't stand her! She wasn't expecting for him to give her a history lesson. He said, "he mentioned the lack of rights for white women too." She was about to say something, but that stopped her dead in her tracks. She is so busy trying to race goodness, why does the truth cause this much controversy? I just blogged about this...okay, yet again, nice post!
Yeah she was definitely trying to bait him in. He did a good job of recognizing that, foiling her plan, and making her look like an idiot.
Touché to Rev. Al.
i can't believe that i am about to say this...but i agree with Rev. Al (somebody call claud on this one...)
anyone, she was trying to bait him and get him to take a stand against the reve, but he didn't fall for it...
i can totally appreciate what he stated and like you stated michael (i'll get at you later about this...HA!) what's so racist, carzay, hateful about what he stated...seems to me that he stated FACTS historical and modern FACTS nothing was his opinion (okay some stuff was a little slighted) BUT it was just fact...
man we gotta a long way to go until November
i agree with all of the above statements....
Does Gretta look like Imus to you?
I'm just sayin.
WOW! I actually agree with Al and think he did a VERY good job of explaining and defending Obama and Rev. Wright.
Greta needs to put something in her mouth to shut her up (and I am not talking about food)...
"Greta needs to put something in her mouth to shut her up (and I am not talking about food)..."
Wow! You sound like Pimp C on that one. RIP Pimp.
I don't think Greta plays on the same team (if you know what I mean), she would probably prefer something else in her mouth. Too bad the cat didn't have her tongue when she was baiting Rev. Al - punt intended!
...and the shock-and-awe continues.
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