Monday, September 26, 2005

Racial Profile: Derek Jeter receives racist hate mail

"Racism still alive, they just be concealin' it!"

New York Yankees star Derek Jeter receives hate mail for dating white women.


"The letter was mailed to Jeter at Yankee Stadium and called him a 'traitor to his race,' according to a story in Monday's editions of the Daily News. It warned him to 'stop or he'll be shot or set on fire,' said a law enforcement source who the newspaper did not identify. It was not clear whether the source was speaking on condition of anonymity."

This is what I like to call "THAT BULLSH&T" (shot out to BHILL)!!!


Anonymous said...

I'll refrain from commenting on the others that have received similar letters... but given Jeter's background, whoever's sending these letters is dumb as rocks. Society isn't perfect, but we've made inroads since Emmitt Till. These folks need to move on.

Anonymous said...

For some people racism is passed down like a family tradition so if you're brought up as a young impressionable kid in that environment and that's all you know, it's hard to not think that way even when you know better. So it doesn't surprise me that this has happened b/c there are tons of prejudice and racist people in this country. I won't go on and on about this subject, but I will say that those of us who walk around thinking everything is honky-dory and there's no racial profiling or prejudice going on in some instances in this country...Well you need to wake the hell up!

Crack MUSIC...Kanye and GAME. Listen up!