A lot of young black men like myself call each other my "ni99a", "dog", "homie", "man", "ace", "boy", etc. But I don't hear very many people say, "that's my brother". And I know what most of you are thinking: "I only say 'that's my brother' when I'm actually talking about my brother."
Of course!

My brothers refer to me as their brother and it makes me feel loved.
I've had church elders call me "brother" and it makes me feel like they care about me on a spiritual level.
I've had random black men on the street say "what's up brother" and it makes me feel like we have a bond and are striving for a common goal. Whatever happened to us referring to one-another that way, by the way?
And I've had my white co-worker refer to me as brother while we were at his place having crabs and drinking.

From what I have experience, "brother" can overcome all spiritual, racial, familial and economic boundaries we place between one-another. And if you really want to get spiritual with it, aren't we all brothers anyway? Perhaps "brother" should usurp some of the other terms we use to denote friendship/camaradarie? I know for a long time I've referred to males that I know as my man/boy/homeboy/homie/ni99a/dog/ace and so on...So I guess I should start using brother more often myself?
Just a random thought I had.
i actually can relate to this from a female point of view...why do we commonly refer to ourselves as bitch/ho/slut/skank...why can't it be what's up sis/sistah/sister...
i think this really came to mind and how it transends a lot of world boundaries when i saw Monique on Charm School (i kno i know, i was flipping and caught the end of the show when Brooke was put out)
well she said to her "i just want you to see what i see sistah..."
its just a sisterhood thang, like its a human race thang, like its a brotherhood thang...
so i say all of that to say i really appreciate the random thought and dialogue...
Great thought...
Actually I use brotha along with all those other terms it just seems like I use it a little less than some of the others. I tend to use brother when talking to people that I know don't use the term nigga or when I'm making a conscious effort not to say it myself. I'm feeling what you saying in this joint.
"I tend to use brother when talking to people that I know don't use the term nigga or when I'm making a conscious effort not to say it myself."
Good point Dane.
Great blog item...Interestingly enough I have found myself saying "Brova" far more frequently since 2006. Thank you Imus!
LOL. Don't even give that dude the credit.
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