Would you rather be a "gangster" or be "untouchable"?
Then again, who really cares? A better question (in this case) is, whom would you rather support, Jay-Z or Dame Dash?
This question popped into my head when I learned that two movies, one being released with a Jay-Z album of the same name right around the same time, "American Gangster"...
And another executive produced by Dame Dash, "Mr. Untouchable"...
are going to be released this fall. Based on the trailers, I'd rather see "American Gangster" but I'm sure "Mr. Untouchable" will be interesting. Frank Lucas versus Nikki Barnes. Jay-Z versus Dame...again.
And even though Dame Dash stays losing since the Roc-A-Fella split, I think the one area of entertainment where he can be still be successful is movie-making. In case you've never seen The Woodsman (starring Kevin Bacon), Shadowboxer (starring Cuba Gooding Jr.), or Paper Soldiers (starring Kevin Hart), you might want to check them out. They were all directed and/or produced (all, or in-part) by Dame Dash. I've seen (and own) Paper Soldiers and The Woodsman and they are both decent films (especially The Woodsman). Dame also has the backing of the legend Robert De Niro. So while Dame might be pretty much irrelevant in the music industry right now, he still has options to be successful. And more notably, he still has Rachel Roy who is arguably just as fine as Bee-Yonce (shot out to Kacey) depending on whether you like 'em slim and under-the-radar or thick and in-the-spotlight. Either way, Jay and Dame are BOTH winning in at least one category even though Mr.Paula Patton still has them both beat. You gotta admit he's got the best of both worlds: White skin (in America) and a fine-azz Black woman. Hmmmnnnn.
Back to Damon and Sean though. We all know how things ended up for JiggerMan so I won't even go into detail but let's just say that he's doing alright right now. Either way you look at it though, Jay and Dame got exactly what you need...
Nice Blog!! Good to see someone else out of Baltimore/MD.
Nice Blog!! Good to see someone else out of Baltimore/MD.
Thank you
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