I know I know, why? Because this is one of the funniest videos of ALL TIME! And just in case MC Hammer wasn't cool when you were 12 years old and this video didn't simultaneously disgust you while also serve as your first real introduction to "eye candy" in videos, I introduce to you one of MC Hammer's finer works, Pumps and a Bump"...
This and Rump Shaker sped up my process of going through puberty by like a year I think.
Anyway, bama has on a geranimal speedo with gloves, a thin-azz gold chain, and some old Hi Tec boots. Straight chippendales! Serious R Kelly ish. This makes me laugh uncontrollably!
"I don't like em figgity fat, I like em stiggity stacked!"
You should have posted the "Pumps and a Bump" videos. I don't know if you remember but Hammer came out with two videos for that song. The one with him wearing the speedo got banned on MTV I think. The second video he was all "gangsta," in it. But yes, I can recall my friends and I laughing til we were in tears off that one.
That Rumpshaker vid was just an excuse to stand around dancing half naked. Oh the memories!
I don't remember him doing multiple videos. But why post the other when you have this one? There's no way the other could be as entertainingly disturbing as this. And him being gangsta is even more laughable in hindsight than it probably was at the time when it was first released.
Rump Shaker was EVERYBODY'S shyt!
man this had me crackinig up today! CLASSIC!
and the summer of 92 was off the hook....
Can I even remember the summer of 92? I don't think I can. D@MN!
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