I will warn that some of these are not for the faint of heart or racially over-sensitive, LOL.
-They didn't want to give blacks 40 acres and a mule so dammit well take 50 states and a White House.
And for the next two I have to post this picture first. You'll see why, LOL.

-Shave your genital area, today's the last day for Bush
The one I like the most is...
"You know why it's cold outside? They said it would be a cold day in hell before a black man became President of the United States of America. Bundle up bitches...Bundle up."
"Make sure you carry plenty of water because there will be a lot of salty crackers out today."
Another one I received was:
"They have a sign up sheet for volunteers to help Bush pack his shit and get the f*ck out of the White House!"
@ Nubian: I received that one you mentioned like 10,000 times.
@ Dane: Same thing with that one you mentioned.
I received on that said something along the lines of:
To all my Obama Supporters thank you! To all the Mccain supporters...at least you voted. To all my undecided voters Mccain shot Biggie and Tupac!
I got that one too E.
Yet another one...
O.B.A.M.A..... Obiviously Blacks Are Moving America...... M.C.C.A.I.N... Maybe Crackers Can Acknowledge It Now.
Wow..I never got anything more than "Yes We Did" and "Yay" my friends are lame...lol!
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