Friday, February 19, 2010

WebNerd Alert: Google Liquid Galaxy

By now you've seen a post or two here on how Google is not-so-secretly plotting to take over the world. For example, Google predicting when you'll get the flu, Google making it rain, Google thinking for you, and my personal favorite...

Google knowing everything about you.

As if all that wasn't enough, Google's cooking up a smorgasbord of services and products to collect data about enhance your life. Not to mention everything they're cooking-up in the lab.

I won't lie, I'd love to work for a company like Google that seems to be on the cutting edge of everything but at the same time, too much of anything just isn't a good thing. There's no way Google can do everything well-enough to the point that we should buy into all (Apple zealots could learn something from this). Gmail, sure. Google Maps, sure. Google Docs, sure. Google Calendar, sure. But installing a Google application on my computer that can search everything on my computer? Ehhh, not so much. And now that I think about it, allowing Google to hold the keys to your mail (Gmail), calendar (Google Calendar), pictures (Picassa), and videos (YouTube) might not be such a good idea either. Even if they do all of those things REALLY well.

With all that said, I just ran across Google Liquid Galaxy which seems like a 3-D version of Google Maps. The video below pretty much speaks for itself but I'll go ahead and say it...WOW!

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