Monday, April 17, 2006

From Weeping to Wonderful

This past weekend was quite an experience. There was the gloom and sadness of my father's mother passing away and her funeral on Friday. Rest In Peace grandma Dean. Naturally I was NOT looking forward to Friday one bit. But Friday turned out to be a great day in alot of ways. I got to see much of my father's side of the family that I rarely get to see. My younger brother Bryan, my uncles Chenkie and his sons Hakeem and Hasaan, and a bunch of other familiar faces. And it was great because that day helped me realize that family love is the most unconditional type of love I have ever experienced. No matter how long it's been since the last time I've seen them. No matter how many times I've SAID I was gonna call and got "too busy", my family still loves me. It makes you feel blessed (I can't allow myself to say lucky in this regard). It was a somber day during the wake and the service, but by the time we all made it to the repass (sp?), it was all smiles and all about moving forward. I couldn't help but think of Kanye's song "Roses" throughout the day. Even though it's not quite applicable to the funeral setting, it's just about the strength and bond of a family. And I can honestly say that I felt those things this past Friday.

Saturday was the beginning of wonderful. There was the Santi Budaya sponsored performance at GW that Brandi and I attended. It was nice. After that we took some time to go downtown in DC and just walk around and enjoy the nice weather. Very very relaxing. We ended up eating at one of my all-time favorite Thai restuarant out in Baileys Crossroads, VA, the Rincome Restaurant. This is a spot my mom used to take me for lunch when I was a kid. The staff there is very very nice and my mom went so much that they all knew her by first name and it was like they were very good friends. The dinner was delightful! I ended up going to the club they call "AVENUE" in DC on Saturday night for a friend's girlfriend's BDAY party. It was cool. The club though, didn't really impress me much. That Ciroc and pineapple the bartender made for me however, DID! LOL!

Sunday B and I went to the Wizards game versus the Cavs. I joked later on that night to one of her friends about how we traded in our normal reservation in the 400-level seats for a couple seats a little closer to the floor. I won't dare tell you what section we were in. Let's just say that we were close enough so that I could actually look at the dancers on the Wizards dance team faces and tell if they were cute or not. If you have ever been in the 400-level, you know that you don't really care about their faces from that far away b/c you'll go blind trying to zero-in. Okay, that was a bit chauvanistic, right? Dah well...I'm having an off-day I guess. For what it's worth ladies, I could see the basketball players faces as well and let me tell you...NONE of those guys were HOT to me! But that's just me. Well, except this guy...


After the game we went to B's friend's house and got our a$$es kicked in spades by the cheating-est m*therf*cke$rs I've ever played with in my life! LMAO! It didn't really matter to me that we were losing or getting cheated considering there was no money involved. But if you could have seen how badly we were beaten you would have thought we were just playing for the first time. Man, man, man it was bad!

Anyway, the weekend was a pretty good one, all things considered. This Friday...GOAPELE and FLOETRY!!!!!

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