Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Seatbelt Time

For those of you who have not seen the Volkswagen commercials where they show people casually talking while driving and all-of-a-sudden they get into an accident, here's one below:

These commercials really have begun to have an effect on me. They are definitely making realize I need to make sure I wear my seatbelt everytime I drive. They don't make me want to buy a VW or anything but they definitely help me realize (yet again) that I can be in an accident at any moment while on the road. This is like the scared straight program for drivers.

I think these are alot more effective than those "You could learn a lot from a dummy" Public Service Announcements that used to run regularly when I was a kid.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Touareg, you don't want a

On a serious note, I agree, this quite a powerful commercial!

Anonymous said...

Yes, the Toureg (sp?) is my SH&T! I want one of those. I don't want a Jetta though. It appeared they're trying to convince me that I should buy a Jetta because it's safe. Really though, who wants a Jetta?