Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Woman's Right to Choose...

...Or Planned Parenthood's right to chooose?

Messed up!


M.C. said...

The interesting thing about this video is most of the donors were white males. Affirmative action was not initiated or started by or for black people in this country. It was initiated by a white female who got upset that she didn't get into the University of Michigan Law School. So, ironically, whites, specifically white males who didn't get what they felt they so rightly deserve are upset with minorities, specifically black people when they don't get an opportunity and we do.

He could have said minorities across the board, but no he singled out black people, they all did. This is a new form of racism, white people want to call it reverse racism, but it is actually a deeper racism on their part because it prematurely assumes that the black person at that school, company or in that title would only be there but for affirmative action. It assumes that blacks aren't qualified to succeed in society without a little help. But to take the racism to the point of paying for "black abortions," that's deep! This is some disturbing shyt and yet reaffirms some of the things Rev. Wright had to say.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%