Just got an email from a mutual friend telling me my homeboy died last night on his motorcycle. It fucked my head up bad. Still not really sure where my head is just yet but right now this feels therapeutic. He just got married on May 15!!! He probably hasn't even gotten the wedding photos back yet. His wife, his house, his job. In one short breath life is over. I've experienced a lot of loss in my life of people my age. Some close to me, some not so close. Jarronn and I weren't best friends but that was my man. We hung out, talked about real things going on in our lives, laughed, joked. Every once in a while I got a call from homie..."Mike DAWG, what's up brotha?!"
He hit me up on BBM earlier this week just to see how I was doing. I hadn't talked to him since his wedding but he always keeps in touch even if it's just to say what's up. My heart goes out to his family, his wife, and everybody else that knew him. We shared some fun-azz moments together...Miami, ski trip, and he and his wife were supposed to be going on my cruise in January.
It hurts. Rest In Peace Jarronn.

its so surreal like you said we weren't the best of friends but we were mad cool every time i saw him it was much love! much much love and its like to know that he has barely been married for 2 months
like i can't even put it into words he was just a good down to earth spiritual good dude!
i can't even wrap my mind around this i just can't
Looking back on life I wish I would've listened to him and stopped by since he lived not too far. It's too bad we can't go back in time. This is so sad, I just can't believe it.
Well put man! I know how you feel cuz i been there times myself. And its a feeling you never get use to. You introduced me to Jarronn and he's been someone I considered a friend ever since, so I'm messed up off this too. I just hope his life serves as a testiment to those that knew him.
I'm so upset... Word's can't describe how great of a person he was.
@TC: I feel you.
@Shanavia: We can't go back but you will always have the positive memories. Life for the moment.
@Laf: Yeah man you know outside of the crew I grew up with if I'm vouching for someone as my man they are a good dude. And the fact that you and Dane were cool with Jarronn outside of me says a lot about all of you guys and how you all have similar good character.
@Adri: I feel you.
Man I grew up with Jarronn, and just found him on facebook, and to my surprise he was gatting married. He looked super happy. I haven't seen him recently in person and could not help but mention to him how handsome and grown up he looked. Well man RIP, Jarronn. I will miss you. I knew this man alll my life literally.
I found this blog while randomly looking for some news of what might have happened to him.
I can't believe it still. I was just playing ball with dude on Saturday trying not to get run over by him for rebounds. We go to the same church and I didn't see him last Sunday. Never thought that would be the last time. RIP
I can't believe it either....It dosen't even seem real...I have known Jarronn since the 7th grade. We lost contact until I found him on Facebook recently. He was a great person with a heart of gold. He will truely be missed. My heart goes out to his wife and his family. R.I.P. Jarronn....
I can't find any information...an article?...anything about this... Maybe I'm in a hopeless search for something that won't change anything....
@Oz: LOL at you for saying you didn't want to get run over by him on the court going for rebounds. Jarronn was a straight hustlebox out there on the court, lol.
@Seritta: I have known Jarronn since high school and we have always had a great friendship. He was one of those friends you could talk to about anything and he would keep it real with you (even though he had to find a way to throw a joke in there somehow). It's sad to see him pass but we'll see him again.
@ALL: Not sure why there's no information on the Internet about what happened. I checked the Washington Post website to see if I could find information and couldn't find anything. Maybe it'll come later or perhaps not at all. I honestly didn't want to know the details when I first heard he passed. Still unsure whether I do want to know or not. What I do know is that it was a motorcycle accident. The details beyond that really aren't important to me. May he Rest In Peace.
I never had the opportunity to meet Jarronn personally. However, his wife Jessica is my sorority sister. I know that he had to be a great guy because Jessica would not marry just anybody. My heart goes out to Jessica and the entire family. I am really stunned right now, but God does have a plan, even in this situation. I encourage everyone to make your life count. Life is not promised to any of us.
I know that I never got a chance to talk with Jarron on this side, but I'm confident that I will meet him on the other side with Jesus. Can you say the same thing? I sure hope so.
Gene, I tried to reach you at BMW of Arlington yesterday. If you read this comment email me at mcarroll4716@yahoo.com. From there I can get you my number and we can talk.
Unfortunately homie, it's true.
I just happened to stumble across this page when I googled Jarron's name when a mutual friend informed me he had passed. My condolences to each and every one of you. Jarron and I went to middle school together. While he and I were not close friends, the only memories that I have of him are as a wonderful human being with a zest for life.
I was a student who was not very popular in middle school, but he unlike many people always had something kind to say to me. He would always smile and say hello, he would tell me to keep my head up on rough days, and just was encouraging to be around.
So I'd like to post this prayer on his behalf for you his friends and family who are suffering:
Dear Lord:
A soldier has been called from labor to reward. Although it gets rough at times, we must have faith and trust wholeheartedly in Your will. You will never give us more than we cam bear. Please wrap Your mighty arms around the friends and family of Brother Jackson and remind them that earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. We lift Jarron back to You for we know that You love him more than any of us ever could.
In Jesus's name,
* Be blessed and go your way in peace. When times get rough (even a year after it happened), may it comfort you to know that friends and saints are lifting you up in prayer.
Thanks for leaving this comment. It's stories like yours that make me appreciate the friendship he and I had that much more.
OMG!!! I went to middle school with Jarronn and had to biggest crush on him. I had absolutely no idea he'd passed away.
Just randomly came across your blog post and saw a familiar name. Sorry for the lost of your friend. I'm sure he will truly be missed.
Big homie showed up in my dreams tonight. We talked like he was still here. I wish heaven had a hotline. Sorely missed, J! 💙🙏🏾
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