LMAO! I'm sorry, I can't even read the title without laughing to myself.
Anyway, in case you haven't already heard about the Minnesota Vikings sex boat scandal (LOL, there I go again), here is an article about it (read up)!
Here's the real JUICE though:
"Fred Smoot: Was seen holding a double-headed dildo and moving the dildo while each end was inserted into the vagina of two women who were lying on the floor near the lounge area of the charter boat. After a period of time, one of the women got up and Mr. Smoot continued to manipulate the dildo inside the other woman.
Daunte Culpepper: Got a "lap dance" from an unidentified, naked female. During this "lap dance," Mr. Culpepper placed his hands on the naked buttocks of the female dancer.
Moe Williams: [Williams is witnessed] in the area by the downstairs bathrooms receiving a "lap dance," which involved the "dancer" dancing bare-breasted and Mr. Williams with his hands on and touching the breasts of his female partner.
Bryant McKinnie: [McKinnie is witnessed] pick up a naked woman, place her on the bar in the lounge and commence to perform oral sex on her. ... At a different time during the evening, [witnesses] saw Mr. McKinnie along with three other unidentified males receiving oral sex from four women while the men were seated in deck chairs on the boat."
The gist of it...A bunch of Vikings players (up to 30, from what i have heard) when on this boat cruise and there were strippers on the boat and the players participated in lude and lacivious acts with the strippers.
Maybe I've just been exposed to too many things in my life, but isn't this how strip clubs work? At least it's how 3 out of the 5 strip clubs I have been to in my lifetime appeared to work. Although a lot of people probably won't believe this (why they won't, I'm not sure) I'm not too fond of strip clubs.
So this morning I'm watching Sportscenter and I hear that Daunte Culpeper (QB), Fred Smoot (CB), and Brian McKinney (OT), and Moe Williams (RB) are being charged with misdemeanor crimes for their participation in this sex boat scandal (LOL). And the sound byte from the officer/lawyer citing the charges read (and I paraphase here):
"Brian McKinney participated in giving AND receiving oral sex and has been charge..."
Okay, so dude's a FREAK! Actually, this is probably normal for most people (ya'll don't want to admit it though)...And homeboy gets charged a misdemeanor for it??!!! This is illegal? WTF?
Let's think about how many people we all know would be thrown under the jail if this were truly a crime that we could all be charged with. I mean damn! Think about Monica Lewinsky. And she's but one example! Man, that charge made the entire situation even more hilarious to me. I guess we all need to remember that if we have sex, it should be safe...And it should also be legal sex if you're in the state of Minnesota!
Minnesota...A state of legal sex and also formerly governed by Jesse "The Body" Ventura...A former professional wrestler!!! His nickname is "The Body"...Come on guys, you've got to see the humor in all of this! I know I'm corny and all, but illegal sex in a state taht used to be governed by a guy nicknamed "The Body". This is some classic sh^t! I mean, it would be more classic if he were still governor, but it's still funny since I didn't figure that out until halfway through writing this paragraph...Classic like Whitney saying "Crack is wack!" on national TV.
I love it!
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