For those of you who aren't already aware of Google's plot to take over all that is information technology related, I am here to inform you that they are rolling out yet ANOTHER service that we all may find quite useful.
This service is Google SMS. The way this SMS service works is, you send a text message from your cellphone to the number "46645" (guess what that spells on the keypad?). The content of your text message can be anything of the sort listed below (and much more, I'm sure):
Format = * Info to get: Text to enter as content of text message
* Local listings: hospital San Jose CA
* Phonebook : 2122269817
* Driving directions : pasadena CA to santa monica CA
* Movies : ice age 94110*
* Weather : weather dallas tx
* Stock quotes : tgt
* Q&A : population of Japan
* Glossary : define prosimian
* Translation : translate coffee in french
* Froogle : price mp3 player
* Zip code : 94043
* Area code : 650
* Calculator : 160 pounds * 4000 feet in calories
* Currency conversion : 5 usd in yen
* SportsNew! : duke, detroit nhl, lakers, sf giants
* Help : help
* Tips : tips
I haven't really tried to explore all the functionality that Google SMS provides, but even the short list of stuff you see above is pretty cool. Give it a try sometime. Just try sending a message to 46645 stating "weather [ZIPCODE]" (minus the quotes) where ZIPCODE is your zip code. You'll get a full weather forecast for your area returned to you in a text message. Pretty coool shyt!
I just thought I'd share this info...For more detailed instructions, check here.