I didn't get the opportunity to blog about it yesterday but I am sure - unless you had an emergency medical procedure, your child was born, or you are oblivious to anything current in the news - you know that Barack sewed that shyt up yesterday.
Obviously, congratulations are in order. But if we think he had a fight on his hands with Billary, just wait...
But back to the picture above. That picture really makes me proud and happy. It's makes me smile to see how she looks at Barack. You KNOW she loves this dude. And I might be the only dude bloggin' that'll admit it, but I'm looking forward to seeing that look.
Barack and Michelle can have such a positive impact/influence on Black folks just by being in the position that they're in as a married Black couple with children. A Black President? A Black First Lady? And they look happy too?! Sheeeeeiiit! We NEED to see that. Even if he doesn't win, I hope they continue to show them together smiling, nurturing, and supporting one-another. Because more of US need to see that and have that shoved in our faces on a daily basis instead of all the other crap we see/hear.
Damn Damn Damn....
I came on here in the wee hours of the morning just checking things before I went to bed, and you actually had me saying, "Awwwww," out loud.
I watched this speech when he won, and when they gave each other pound, I was smiling from here to Tokyo. I must admit, I love the two of them. They are such a great couple, and personally, just like you said we need to see more of this in our community. Haven't felt like this since watching Heathcliff and Claire on the Cosby Show, except this is real life!
Oh, and I can't wait to give my Future hubby "that look"!
I've been watching Barack give speeches since his work in IL, but I must say I let out a little laugh when Michelle gave him a pound. It looked like one of those "we got this/say word" type of moments. What I liked even better were the news specials on the influence this is having on the younger black kids. Like those knothead 11-13 year olds and even as young as 7 who see/have been told about the significance of this campaign. You see the promise in their eyes. You KNOW I'm not the one to be dealing with kids, but that certainly does a heart good.
I can only hope this all motivates the voting masses, gets people involved in civic organizations, and REALLY "puts democracy back in the hands of the people."
Funny, in an interview a while back Barack said that we shouldn't have life-time politicians. You know, those people that all they do is run for office? He (and may others) have said the point is to make the change so that others see how good things get done then step aside. The good Senator from IL has had no fewer than 5 careers to this point, so considering most of us are likely to have 10 in our lifetimes let's me know we've only seen half of the good he's meant to do.
@ Nubian: Becausee I'm corny...Let's smile in Minnesota, all the way to Tokyooooo! Now that I got that out of my system I have to say that it felt good to see that gesture between them. It made me proud. Their real life > Cosby show
@Lawrenorder: Did you say knothead? LOL.
i love it i love it i love it...and i can't wait to give my hubby that look...i wonder if dudes have that look...well actually i think they do too...anywho...it was a total what's up, get 'em boo moment...it made me so proud!
i too think that this has and will continue to have a positive impact on the black community, especially in the world of love! we need it!
My favorite part, was after the pound as she walked away from him he smacked her on the small of her back...and we all know good and well had they been at home she would've got smacked right on her tail. And really, nothing says "I love you", "we are a happily married couple" and "even after all these years-we are still getting it in", like a smack on the behind as you walk away.
@JennWill: "Smack dat, all on the floooo', smack dat, gimme so moooo'!"
Here is a toast to the love..
And you know when he checked his cell phone afterward, he had two little cheerleaders screaming "Daddy's gonna be president!" on voice mail. And he had a goofy grin inspired by his babies.
It's good to see couples and family handling business. I say, Baby Mamma's don't handle press, pressure, and poise like that...I had to 'trow my lighta up' on that one. I already got the look, and just waiting on the man.
I know that's right.
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