I'll be honest, I haven't read either book and didn't have any intention on it either. But after having the opportunity to meet Hill at a mixer before his talk and listen to him speak, I am definitely impressed by they guy and I could see myself getting one of those books as gifts to my younger cousins (that's who they're targeted toward).
He focused most of his talk on things that plague young black women and men. Things such as low self-esteem, unrealistic expectations and desires brought on by falsehoods presented via media outlets, and developing a sense of pride and self-worth at a young age. I was very impressed by Hill's intelligence, grasp of history and historical perspective, his persuasiveness, and ability to convey very important and eloquent points without going over people's heads. Watching him speak you can see that he has a passion for helping nurture children into intelligent and responsible adults. The talk was great and I even left with a few quotables like:
"Sometimes rejection is God's protection"To really understand what he was trying to convey with those last two quotes, you probably had to be there (or perhaps read one of his books) So if you get a chance to see this brother talk, make sure you do. And fellas, he definitely brings the ladies out in droves, LOL. L and I might have been one of maybe 2-dozen men in a crowd filled with women both young and old (not to mention school children). So even if you go scheming on some nice young ladies, you might just learn something in the process. He mentioned to L and I that he was doing a book tour and that he had stops in Philly and Chicago coming up.
"Everybody's welcome, but it ain't for everybody"
"F.E.A.R. - False Expectations Appearing Real"
After the jump you can check out a few flicks that L took during the mixer before his talk and right before Hill began speaking.
Oh yeah, here's a few things I was shocked to learn about Hill Harper and one interesting tidbit on his role in CSI NY.
- Hill is 42 years old. Dude looks like he's younger than me. How to people like Hill and Halle age like that? Amazing.
- He was raised in a single-parent household, but by his father
- He is good friends with Barack Obama since they went to school together at Harvard
- His role in CSI NY was meant for a Black man to play. Before L inquired about that, I never thought about the fact that Hill plays a Black male CSI in New York. I wonder how many there are in real life.
Damn 42!!! Dude still be playing roles as a guy in his early 20's half the time. I guess it's like they always say "black don't crack". LOL.
Black don't crack? Explain.
I guess the saying comes from wrinkles in the face looking like your skin is cracking and that is how aging occurs. So the saying "Black don't crack" implies that we don't age as badly as other races.
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