....Not that rap shyt though.
Check out the new track by Farnsworth Bentley featuring Kanye West, Andre 3000 & Sa-Ra called "(Everybody) Don't Stop"...

Don't let the fact that it's a Farnsworth Bentley song turn you into a prejudging hater!
By the way, Farnsworth might be one of the smartest people in hip-hop. He turned his post as Diddy's manservant and seeming "court-jester" in lots of hip-hop videos into a killer collabo. And I assume that he's probably also formed lots of great relationships with artists that will come in handy down the road. And you've gotta think that if Kanye and 3-$tacks respect him (hell, Yeezy signed him) then there are probably lots of other artists that do as well. And I'm sure Diddy would provide some marketing support if asked.
Post inspired by JAC.
I saw this about three days ago and wasn't so sure but watching it again it actually seemed a lot better. Dope beat...3000 is on point as usual...mad Kanye has no verse cause it seemed tailor made for him...funny concept...Kanye dancing may be one of the funniest things I've seen this week...I will say that if Fansworth wants guest appearances like Andre on his album he needs to step his flow up something serious cause 3000 made his verse sound like some shyt...Smart move to go first Bentley. LOL. Overall I phuks with it but mostly due to everything other than Fansworth so I don't know about this upcoming album.
I definitely think they should have given Ye a verse on that and his dancing did have me laughing too!
Thing about Bentley is that he cannot rap but he is entertaining whether you want to admit it or not. So I think he has a future just off the strength of being an entertaining personality. I'm sure he's not dumb enough to think that he's going to move units pushing music CDs. This is just something he probably wants to do to open up other doors.
One thing I DO know about that dude is that he is not dumb.
The funny thing about "Mr. Bentley" is that he is like the first guy in our generation to really try to bring back the "Black Bourgoise". What a lot of people don't realize is that there was an entire class of black folks just like him back in the day, and we lost that along the way.
The song is HOT, love the beat, don't really think of what he does as rapping. Kind of like Orange Juice Jones, he sort of talks melodically over the beat, but it's still cool. 3 Stacks (as you like to call him) killed it, and yes Ye needs a verse. The outfits, flooding pants and all, along with the choreography is just classic! I'm feeling it.
Good point about him not really rapping per se. I agree with you on that. 3 $tacks always kills his verses. ALWAYS!
everyone said what i wanted to say...me likey
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