Like I said earlier, Jesse Jackson is an idiot!
Jesse's dumb/fake/bama azz went and said this...
Why am I NOT surprised?

"I want to cut his fucking nuts off!"I know I have said some crass stuff before in my life but I don't think I've ever said I would like to yank off another man's testicles. And for Jesse to say this to another man while he "thought" (big dummy) he was off-camera is just completely moronic. Even if you think you're off camera, you don't say that to anyone in that type of forum. DUMMY!
Seriously, of all the horrible things you can say that you would do to another man, I don't think castrating him would be the first thing to come to my mind. Or maybe that's some old school shyt I just don't know about. Punching him in the face, yes. Castration? Not really. Seriously though, you don't joke or play with a man's nuts. No pun intended.

For years now I've had a sort of internal battle between trying to respect old-school Black leaders like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton - who both (in my opinion) have made some questionable moves in the past and speak too often - and disregarding them as political puppets trying to serve their own selfish interests. Are these guys only posing as pro-Black to further their own political/monetary agenda? Sometimes I feel like they are, other times I don't. Are they sincere? I almost always feel like Al is faker than Pam Anderson's cleavage, but sometimes I feel Jesse is sincere. And this time, you can tell he was sincere. People say the most truthful things when they think no one's watching or listening. And Jesse doesn't even come across sincere in the apology he issued or the interviews since everything hit the fan.
Regardless of the apology (shown below), it's obvious Jesse dislikes something about the way Barack is handling things. That's fine. Nobody should have on blinders when it comes to Barack and what he's doing or his platform. But I think a bit more than dislike is required to say that you'd cut someone's nuts off. That's hatred. And isn't this guy supposed to be a REVEREND?

He definitely put his foot in his mouth on this one. I guess "Sly Fox" caught Jesse's slippin', LOL. By the way, if you saw my post yesterday about Killer Mike's song "Pressure", you'll notice that he talks about fake-azz Black leaders like Jesse.
Black politicians, show bowlshytting/
And you funky azz preachers wit ya pulpittin'/
Our King had dreams and a big vision/
All you give us is government and religion/
Are you a freedom fighter, or a stool pigeon/
Is you down for ya people and the big mission/
Or you a dirty nikkah working for a focking Clinton/
Or you a dirty nikkah working for a focking Bush/
Now if that isn't a crock of shyt, I don't know what is. "I wanna put this behind me". Oh I bet you do, brother. I bet you do!
And just like Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson appears to be yet another proverbial "crab in the barrel" nitpicking issues with a candidate who has the potential and impetus to do more good for Blacks and lower-class citizens than any candidate since I've been living. Isn't that what Jesse should want? Jeremiah too! Jealousy is so 1990's.
Not only politicians, but all of us need to understand that Barack is NOT your one-way ticket to fixing America. Not everything in his platform or policies will you agree with or like. But you can't fix everything that's wrong with America in a day, a week, a month, a year, or even a term. But you can vote for someone that you believe will bring about a change for the better and not further digression. I can't believe that politicians that are a lot smarter than me can't see this or that they can see this and still not manage to shut the hell up and stop undermining steps toward progression. It's not about you, it's about US!
yet again i am left with the feeling of "why was the staged and who paid him to do it" only because as long as Jesse Jackson has been in the public eye for far to long for him to not know that the mic wasn't still on, i mean you are in a FOX studios for goodness sake...smh...its really sad
oh and i too have been and continue to become increasingly disappointed with past african american leaders...we, our generation, needs to step up, we are in our own way, but let's make some more noise
You are the second person that has mentioned that someone might have paid him to do it. I would not be surprised one bit.
"Or you a dirty nikkah working for a focking Clinton/Or you a dirty nikkah working for a focking Bush/"
I must say this post is "unequivocally" on point!
I would say I am upset or disappointed or some other trite way of trying to sum up this debacle, but frankly I am not surprised.
This situation, the amazing silence of Al Sharpton during his whole campaign, and the comments of Rev. Wright, prove something that is plaguing our community big time. The proverbial GENERATION GAP! It is in our families, it is present in the political arena, and it is singing loudly in the church.
But, this isn't about what Barack said when he spoke at Apostolic Church on Father's Day. This isn't even about him being a so-called elitist and speaking down to black people. This is about protocol.
Old-timers like JJ and Al feel that if some young brotha steps into the limelight, then they must somehow get permission and then guidance from one or both of them. We all know they are both photo opportunist, attention whores and scathing hypocrites.
Jesse Jackson used to say the same stuff about responsibility, doing better as a people - that was until we found out he had a baby momma. And Al Sharpton was all over the news talking about he would hunger strike, march, protest and go to jail for injustices, but was mute when HBO Sports showed that videotape of him making deals with that mobster who was fixing college basketball games.
So, the problem here is Barack. He was supposed to get permission first. Jesse Sr., not Jesse Jr. was supposed to be his co-chair for his campaign. Al was supposed to be in a top advisory position. But because Barack chose to do it his own way, with his generation and a younger generation, they don't want to have anything to do with him. You see - it's unequivocally Barack's fault.
You mentioned Al being silent and the generation gap and that's a great point.
I think Barack gets it when it comes to the younger generation and the "old guard" simply doesn't. I'm sure more people in our age range feel like Jesse and Al (and Captain Cosby) are talking down to them rather than Obama.
As for protocol, how can you ask permission from people you don't respect? Not that Barack doesn't have some level of respect for those guys, but I'm sure that if we can sit back and see the antics of the Al/Jesse types, then someone like Barack had it figured out long ago, LOL.
You should turn that comment into a post. SOON!
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