...until he went and said that John Mayer "don't know" when it comes to how his recent comments in Playboy might offend Black people.
HE DOESN'T KNOW?!?!?!?!?!!!!
Really? A microphone in your face and that's all you could come up with? Sheesh! I"m kind of surprised that Russell Simmons just brushed those comments off.
Russell also says he gives John Mayer a "pass" when it comes to his statements that: 1) his d*ck was a white supremacist and 2) you could call a hood pass a ni99er pass. A pass on the first point might be plausible and understandable. He doesn't want to have sex with Black women, ok cool. But I also think it begs the question of why. Is he not attracted to dark-skinned women or
ALL Black women, or does he just have a preconceived stereotype about Black women in general that he didn't care to divulge. But saying a hood pass is the same thing as a "nigger pass" is unacceptable. I
refuse to believe that he
"don't know" better. Maybe he didn't mean anything by it (yeah right) but he has to know better. Post-racial my azz! Russell Simmons needs to get a fucking clue and then share it with John Mayer!
It's times like this when I wish that (alleged) gangster rappers like Rick Ross, Beanie Sigel, and so on would go on record and say something like "A ni99er pass? Okay, then bring your azz to the hood and we'll see whether you have a pass or not". Not that it's a sensible/intelligent thing to do, but just to show that certain comments aren't going to be tolerated and that YES, there is something wrong with calling a "hood" pass a "ni99er" pass. Also, that you can't just go around using the N-word and talking ignant about Black folk because you have black friends, colleagues, or Black "enablers" in your circle that make you think that it's cool/okay.
The fact that more Blacks seemed to be upset about Mayer's comments about who he doesn't want to have sex with than the ni99er pass comments is really sad. I don't think that anyone really cares if John Mayer is sexin' green, red, blue, white, or black chicks. But if you think that everybody in the hood is a "ni99er" you are simply ignorant, arrogant, or a combination of the two. And Black people should care about that when you consider how we're overwhelming portrayed to be niggorant in film, television, and in music. Sometimes you have to take a stand and let people know that you might dress a certain way, talk a certain way, and like to do things they probably don't understand (read: a lil differnetly) but at the same time you are not going to tolerate ignorance and stupidity.
For posterity's sake, here's
a link to John Mayer's Playboy Interview.