"You don't have to take 'em off, just slide 'em over!"

LOST IT when I saw this, lolololol!!!

Get ya'll cousin, please!

C'mon bruh, REALLY? SMH

It was only a matter of time before...


"I've been thinking about doing this for a couple of years now...I try to take advantage of every opportunity I get and for him to like my music and reach it to me, I really appreciated that. I’ve always had this in the back of my head, but never had the courage to tell my parents that this is what I want to do." (source: The Philadelphia Inquirer via The Bleacher Report)First off, he said he likes to take advantage of every opportunity he's given. Oh really???? Second, who in the world reached out to him about liking this music??? Third, you don't have the courage to tell your parents what you really want to do but you have the courage to put your profanity-laced (and quite horrible) rap videos on YouTube? This kid's all over the place. This highlights just how much young kids nowadays don't get it and need responsible adults and role models in their lives.
"We will never change the name of the team... As a lifelong Redskins fan, and I think that the Redskins fans understand the great tradition and what it's all about and what it means... We'll never change the name... It's that simple. NEVER -- you can use caps." - (source: USA TODAY via ESPN.com)Really Dan? THAT is how you choose to handle this topic? Maybe you've been worked up about it since it's been in the media recently. Maybe you just brazenly don't give a crap. But either way - as the team's owner - you have to be more aware/conscious than this don't you? Where's a solid PR person when this man needs one?