Let me first say that this post is not going to go the way you'd probably expect so don't get your hopes up
AND don't think that you'll have to be disappointed in me for doing something that's gross.
Anyway, I work for a publishing company and we publish all kinds of materials (journals, books, references materials, etc.) and it just so happens that we've got some journal content about to launch online as a part of our database of scholarly journals, that has some pRonographic content.

Needless to say this caused quite the stir of witty remarks throughout the office. The pRono content actually hit the office last week and the "joke train" took off pretty quickly. It's really just a collection of pics that will supplement the content of scholarly literature. But needless to say, once the joking began, so did the level of curiosity for most of the people who work in my department (including me). Not that anyone wanted to seriously look at this stuff like they
do may at home, but if you worked in a publishing environment (of course) you'd be a little curious to see what kind of pRonographic content was going to be published as part of scholarly literature.
This curiosity was quickly squelched when one of my co-workers decided to use her iMac to create a slideshow of the content for in-house viewing. Yes, a slide show! What ensued was a mass-gathering of people at her cube to watch what I would call one of the most tasteless displays of pictures I've seen in quite some time. They should have titled this crap "Hot pRono Mess!" Though the pics were a little more direct than this ad...

... you can trust me when I say that the pics are not going to win anyone an
AVN award, that's for sure!
Needless to say, scholarly pRon is probably what you'd expect it to be...
Pictures of the genitalia of scholars! Which by the way, is quite gross. Who would have guessed that scholarly genitalia is even more difficult to look at than the genitalia of people of average or little intelligence? Okay, I'm joking. But it was some shiddy pRon by pRonographic standards. You know, if you have any pRon standards. Not that I do.

I was pretty disgusted with most of the images because there's something about hardcore pRonography that's just gross and seems unnecessary to film/photo. Then again, all that West Coast Production ish I
*used to watch* did get kinda over-the-top as well.
Anyway, the point of this post is to let you know that you might
think it's funny/humorous to be allowed to view pRon at work until you realize that looking at pRon with your co-workers while at work is like...Ehhhh, watching pRon with people that you work with. I mean who watches pRon with someone other than his/herself or a *significant other* anyway? Don't answer that. Please!
Nevertheless, it'll be interesting to see how many hits this pRonographic content gets when it is launched online.
Disclaimer: This post was not Ron Jeremy approved.