"threatening more nuclear tests and saying additional sanctions imposed on it would be considered an act of war, as nervous neighbors raced to bolster defenses"By nervouse neighbors, they mean South Korea primarily.
"South Korea said it was making sure its troops were prepared for atomic warfare, and Japan imposed new economic sanctions to hit the economic lifeline of the communist nation's 1 million-member military, the world's fifth-largest."Over the past few months I've noticed alot of political posturing by the U.S. and North Korea over North Korea's seemingly unfazable desire to test nuclear weapons. Why they are testing them...Maybe they plan on taking out the entire South Korea. At least that'd be my guess based on past events. And the U.S./UN/whoever has not been really successful at being able to stop North Korea from testing their nukes. In fact, North Korea is basically getting buck with the U.S. in particular through statements such as this:
"If the U.S. keeps pestering us and increases pressure, we will regard it as a declaration of war and will take a series of physical corresponding measures"This is basically the bully in elementary school coming up to you, saying "If you even act like you don't like me, Imma steal you in your face!" So recognizing North Korea's infinite level of gangsterizm...We bytch up (which is probably the safest and smartest move actually) with this:
"Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the United States would not attack North Korea, rejecting a suggestion that Pyongyang may feel it needs nuclear weapons to stave off an Iraq-style U.S. invasion."The way this all looks to me is that North Korea either knows something the rest of us don't. Or they're trying to start some shyt the rest of us won't. So while we're all sitting back wondering why that first leaked track from Jay-Z is subpar or what's going on with Grey's Anatomy, LOST, or The WIRE. Or why the Redskins can't find consistency... We MIGHT want to consider the fact that North Korea is OH SO gangsta right now and not bashful about it in the least. Nagasaki or Hiroshima ring a bell anyone???
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if our arrogantly intelligent a$$e$ got nuked. Not one bit. What goes around comes around and we've been bullying people through policy or through military for years (shot out to Cuba). I just wish 1) I lived a bit farther away from DC, and 2) lived farther away from an oceanic coastline. If things keep going the way they are, pretty soon it'll be time to find a job in Iowa. And a nice corn-fed country bumpkin to sip strawberry daiquiri's with (you know it's gonna be a lil hotter once the nuke drops).
I'm not sure NK is all that beefed at the US per say. Chances are the DMZ (demilitarized zone--read: most fortified international border ever in the history of the world) is finally pissing them off. NK and SK don't get along and SK is much more stable economically. NK might just want a piece of that action. As for bucking heads with the US. Kudos for us to not even enterain the idea, but don't think for one second if they attempted to get all "Pearl Harbor" on us we would just cut to the chase. If we didn't you'd see the biggest cry of outrage from the American People since... well... ever.
I belive you meant to say "since 9/11".
1)Loving this post...
2) agree with you about being too close to DC and the ocean
seriously though...there is a LOT that hasn't been made public and NK is not playing and we should take them seriously...part of the reason I think Ms. Rice has taken the stance that she has is because she knows that we are already strecthed too thin within Iraq and Afganistan (sp?) therefore we really couldn't do an offensive move into NK even if we wanted to at this point.
We shall see how it all unfolds but I can almost bet it won't be pretty...
Bone, this is a really good one to bring up. I actually was just talking to my cousin who is over in Germany in the military about this very topic (like a month ago). Two things I want to point out from that conversation...
1) The US as well as every other nation who has ever made Nukes not only built the weapon but built counter measures. Now there is a lot of detail he spit to me that I can't cover here but let's say that if the nukes are fired the US can protect the nation from about 90% - 95% of what would actually make it all the way across the ocean to make impact. So before you say you are too close to DC think about which cities will be protected the most...???
2) To date the US is the ONLY nation that has weaponry with the capability to send nukes across the ocean in large amounts and acurately (which is probably part of why they want to test their own more). So anyone who comes at us will have more in jeopardy in a nuclear war than we would due to the capabilities I just mentioned.
Now I am not saying the country is completely safe AT ALL but we are definitely the BIG FISH in the pond when it comes to this stuff. NK is just like that little dude who aint' scared to bust the big bully in the mouth and send him running.
Good point Tiff about resources being spread too thin. Nobody wants a draft. And Dane, you enlightened me. To be honest, I never thought (I dunno why) about the fact that when you're making these types of bombs you'd also want to make a way to protect yourself from them. That makes TOTAL sense.
I never thought about counter measures either...don't know why, but that makes sense...it also makes sense that DC would be one of the better protected cities in the US...I still feel like we are stretched too thin and that NK is a little more than the little kid willing to challenge the big bad bully...we shall see how it all plays out, but its something that we definitely have to pay attention to
Ok... I know this post is kinda-type-serious, but I just had to say:
"Meanwhile, in life-threatening news..."
Ridiculously comical.
Yeah. I just thought that this was kinda going under the radar as far as mainstream America is concerned.
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