Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Déjà Vu

For some reason this...

Vulva (not safe for work...AT.ALL)

reminds me of this...

"Oh Lord! Smells like the Lakers...Shut UUUPPP!"

Doesn't it just seem like that old Jim Carrey footage should be the commercial for Vulva? "I'm here to promote my new fragrance...VULVAAAA!"

If you took the liberty to check out the Vulva website (what a name, by the way), then you'll note the stunningly man-ish looking woman giving you the definition of what "product placement" really is. But what is the box really doing there? And does she NOT make you think of Jim Carrey as Vera DeMilo? Anywho, I doubt that I need to tell you that I currently have 2 orders of this Vulva shyt being sent straight to Daneger's crib...LOL. I am not going to front, I am curious as to what Vulva smells like. Fellas, don't act like I'm the only one. Ladies, you too!

By the way ladies, is this just vagina power (6:45 of pure and classic entertainment, real talk) at it's finest?

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