You might have noticed my "Jena 2" (Bryant Purvis and Carwin Jones of the Jena 6 at the BET Hip-Hop Awards) picture to the right, but as if that (shown again below) wasn't enough...

Here's a little slideshow that further leads me to believe that some of these kids nowadays (even those who face injustice firsthand) either don't get it, don't want to get it, or just don't care...
(Jena 6 defendant Robert Bailey’s photos from his Myspace page)
I hope this is fake or very old but if not... The proof's in the
A few things that came to mind when I watched this video:
- Parents? What are those?
- How could the money go straight to him rather than through some non-profit organization or (at the very least), his parents? That's the one thing that makes this seem like it might be a fake to me. But I don't know how that
money-launderingstuffthat some non-profits pullworks. - How would all the people who have supported the efforts down in Jena, LA feel about this? Perhaps instead of wearing black, we should have worn GREEN.
- Why did they have to use that particular song for this video? Whoever put this together used a song about guns and shootings as the background music for a slideshow of pictures that show not a single gun. Hmmmnnnnn?
you already know how i feel...but again i will say it goes back to empowering young people to see beyond what is right in front of them and for us to start talking and dropping seeds of wisdom and knowledge...
US our generation...especially if they aren't getting it at home...
all of your inital thoughts are mines as well...SMH...somethings i just don't get...
See previous comment (young black folks will surprise you on an individual basis) and reapply. And the masses wonder why I'm the LAST one to join a protest or stand up for someone I don't know personally.
If I could smack him through the computer I would (regardless of the truth of the pictures or not... plausible deniability it ain't)...
20-30-somethings unite and commence the old-schoolin'!
"If I could smack him through the computer I would"
@lawrenorder-i always love your comments..."20-30 somethings unite and commence to the old schoolin"
Lauren meet TC...TC meet Lauren.
But Lauren, if 30s the new 20 then wouldn't that mean just 20 somethings commence the old-schoolin'? message got erased...
but what i was saying, well damn for sure the 30s maybe the new 20s but the 20s AINT the new teens...maybe just when we hit our 30s we really know who we are and can appreciate our 20s...someone told me that your 20s are years you gotta look back on...
ok that's long enough
:) Hey TC!
I agree, we might have more sense than our 30's counterparts (I feel obliged to give a shout out to *Reflection Eternal* don't ask me why).
But yeah, those 30 year olds were the babes of the 70's. The ones nearing 40 are the ones some of these knucklehead pre-teens belong to, but the ones on the 30-35 range tend to be a little closer to where I'm at. (At least I can claim a few friends/relatives in that responsible group).
Either way, I'm down for some old schoolin' just point me at a school, playground, random group of young folks and it's on! (I'll bring extra leather belts with some crisp snap still in 'em).
But seriously, I'm beginning to think it's the ones who don't have kids (and therefore theoretically the time) who think about and actually act on fixing the issues with these kids. Even if we don't have the time, patience, or energy to do it. Because as TC and Mike have pointed out... the parents sure aren't doing it.
Lawd help the children!
1. Actually, I did get an invitation to wear green on the Jena 6 protest day. At the time, I was confused, should I wear black or green, or both?
2. Media attention is a gift and a curse. Certainly without the media coverage, the courts/authorities in Jena would not have felt the societal shame and subsequent pressure to release the boys. The flip side is that Jena, as all headlines do, became a circus. It is isn't surprising to me that the boys are getting big-headed in response to all the camera time, praise, and donations being thrown at them. I am also concerned about them. I imagine that it is overwhelming to be thrust into the national spotlight. Conversely, it will be an equally difficult adjustment when the reporters, news vans, and cameras are completely gone and they have to return back to normal life in a podunk town in rural Lousiana.
p.s. i think you're part of the influence to join the "world of blog" I started today...shameless plug:
510...You make good points.
And don't forget to wear RED this Wednesday. Which probably shouldn't be that difficult considering Wed. also happens to be Halloween and there'll be enough fake blood in rotation for you to wear red without even having to make a real effort.
Me, I'm wearing red, green, and black. I think. I like to cover all my social bases.
i didn't realize that i was still signed into my blog account. um, ladyn5iveten is no stranger, it's me, Nadia.
wow, i didn't hear about wearing red. i shall keep that in mind.
and speaking of showing solidary, don't forget: Al Sharpton called for a BLACKOUT on November 2. Black people unite, don't buy anything, show America that we actually do consitute a large slice of the population, show em that discrimination won't be tolerated--we can't be ignored!--> honestly, this ridiculous to me. (i'm feeling cynical this week) 1) because of Al Sharpton 2) Nov. 2 is a pay day--ppl dang near run to the clothing store, liquor store, car wash, etc., not to mention paying bills on pay day. 3) i don't think one day is going to make a difference even if millions of brothers/sisters do boycott all stores. but i digress...i just had to get that off my mind.
at least people are making some type of effort to "protest" racial discrimination.
Hey Nadia.
Al Sharpton? [crickets...] I am glad I am not the only person who thinks that whole "don't buy for a day" concept is lame. I think a better cause would be only purchasing stuff from Black establishments and not buying gas. And I left buying gas in there because you can't find a gas station (anywhere) owned by a Black person. AI don't think that one day won't make a difference b/c the next day it'll be the largest amount of Black spending the world has ever seen (LOL). So boycott today and spend your azz off tomorrow.
But then again, Al Sharpton is an expert on money.
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