Disclaimer: I live in Baltimore. That either means I have some idea of what I'm talking about, or I'm a transplant from P.G. County who just happens to live here. Or both. I've never been to Detroit. And from the looks of things, I won't be visiting Rock City anytime soon.Detroit: Cheap idiot's plot to kill thwarted by a 7 year old
Well, not so much
thwarted as much as she served as a human shield. Nevertheless, she saved her mom's life and she is still alive and (shockingly) in stable condition. Let me explain...
This idiot to your right, Calvin Tillie (or Captain Calvin as I like to refer to him, explanation later), tried to kill Alexis Goggins' mother on Saturday. He apparently forced Alexis' mother, Seliethia, as well as Alexis into a car that Seliethia's friend was driving. All this at gunpoint. What caught my attention aside from the fact that this young lady was shot in "the eye, left temple, chin, cheek, chest and right arm" and that her mother was shot in the side of the head and bicep, was that this fool was tricked into taking the three women to a gas station. On top of that, Captain Calvin gave the driver a $10 bill and told her to put $5 worth of gas in the car. Seriously Calvin? You must still work at McDonalds! Calvin, McDonalds. Get it? ... Anyway. $5 in a Ford Expedition probably isn't going to get you too far, buddy. I'm sure gas in the "motor city" is probably $3/gallon like it is everywhere else in the country. So considering that an Expedition probably gets somewhere around, say, 10 miles a gallon (city driving, of course), you probably didn't think through the funding for your
abduction "adventure" very well. But then again, none of this fiasco seems very well thought out (no Lupe, he obviously thinks a lot). And did you
really think the driver wouldn't call the police on her cellphone when she got out to go pump the gas? Come on man, think! Then again, it may be your saving grace that you didn't pre-meditate this entire thing like
Rae Carruth some white-collar felon who'd have just hired some hitmen. Your lack of thought might end up sparing you a double life sentence and only get you a single one. There's a win.

Once Captain Calvin (they give all the slow kids important nicknames, ya'll know that) figured out the driver was stalling, what does he do? He starts letting off shots into innocent people like
Blackwater. Without hesitation, he shot this young girl 6 times. Man! I'm not necessarily in-favor of the death penalty, but I can imagine there will be some talk of lethal injection, electrocution, stoning, impalement, and other sick shyt. I'm sure a psychological evaluation is in order as well as an investigation into drug use or a possible history of drug use on Captain Calvin's part. But d@mn, did he really have to dump off in a 7 year old girl like that (no Johnnycakes)?
Oh yeah, kudos to Detroit's police department who, once contacted by the driver, hung up on her once (allegedly). And upon the second call, (allegedly) told her there were no units to send. This
after she told them a man was holding her two others hostage WITH A GUN! Let me find out there were more police in the movie 8 Mile than there currently are in Detroit.
For the full story from a second-rate source,
click here.
Baltimore BONUS COVERAGE: Take that seat and get a free knuckle sandwich!
As a bonus for those of you who (like me) got caught up in the JENA 6 cause, here's another group of young Blacks that might catch your attention pretty soon. I like to call them the
BodyMore 9. After you read the article (if you care) and you think about it, you'll probably realize that the JENA 6 put in similar "work" before they got locked up. Remember, they
did jump a kid. They didn't just do jail time for nothing. Of course, the BodyMore 9 probably won't get the old-South style judicial treatment like the Jena 6, but if this was
my sister, I wouldn't be mad if they did get the old-South treatment. Anyway, here's an excerpt that pretty much sums up how
East Baltimore the BodyMore 9 rolls
"As Sarah Kreager, 26, tried to sit down on a Baltimore City bus Tuesday, police say, a middle-schooler told her she couldn't. When she attempted to take another seat, a middle-schooler wouldn’t let her. Finally, according to police, Kreager just sat down.
She was 'immediately attacked' by nine students — three females and six males — from Robert Poole Middle School. They punched and kicked her"
It's a shame that teens do stuff like this and then other kids their age will be perceived as violent threats. I believe that these kids should be punished for this, but a lot of times these are misguided youth who can eventually mature into respectable adults. I know my friends and I came close to making huge, stupid mistakes when we were young that could have put us in a similar position. We were lucky. But for kids who aren't as lucky, an event like this could make or break the possibility of them being able to grow and mature in the "right way" or lead them down a path to more negativity. Hopefully justice is served, but people shouldn't forget that they're still just children and they should not just be punished, but
rehabilitated taught better.
Or, do you guys think it's too late?
I'm not one to give up on kids. I'll give up on adults in a minute though (LOL) because once you're old and so-called set in your ways, it's harder to change and it usually has to start from within. But as a youth, you are still impressionable up to a certain age and I believe that means there's hope that others can influence you in a positive way. But maybe I'm just optimistic. Nevertheless, I can't help but think that this could have been me, you, or anyone we know just trying to get a seat on the bus. Then BAM! Eye-jammy.
Rosa Parks (RIP) would not condone this shyt. She's probably rolling over in her grave.