It was a lot of what I expected. But it was also uplifting. It was sad to see him laying in the casket. I couldn't help but think of the last time I talked to him.
We were in his mom's house watching TV while I was waiting on his brother. He had a bottle of champagne, just sippin'. He offered me some, even though he didn't have to. I know he used to drink a whole bottle by himself and that's just how he did. I drank a cup, waited on his brother, and then his brother and I left. I came back later to drop his brother off and we were in the room between the kitchen and dining room and he asked me: "You tall Mike. Reach up there and grab that cereal box for me." A short while after that it was "Ayight Shawn, I'm gone man!" To which he responded, "Ayight!"
That was the last time I spoke to him. It now seems kind of ironic that his last words (as told by the people who were there with him) were "I'm okay." It would be one of the statements the preacher used to help soothe the pain everyone was going through at the funeral ceremony. It'd be something that many of us close to Shawn said during the day of the funeral. As the day went by, you heard more and more of us saying "I'm okay" instead of "Man this shit hurts!" Progression and relief, slowly but surely. I think that's what we all got during the day Saturday.
Shawn's resting in peace now. His two daughters and his girlfriend are still here along with his family and friends. I'd estimate that it was more than 300 people at his funeral. That's a testament to how many people he not only knew, but touched in some way.
We are going to miss the jokes, the advice, and the laughter Shawn. But one day we'll all see you again. We'll get to hear you crack some more jokes, make us laugh, and watch you pop some more bottles. It'll be just like old times, but better! Until then...
We love you! Rest In Peace!
In Memory of,
Travis LaShawne Robinson
Smoking Aces

Saw it. It was good. Go see it! Common and Crucial Keys do their thing in this movie! Not to mention the other seasoned actors in the movie that hold it down. If you liked The Departed, you'll probably like this. Though it's not nearly as good as The Departed, it's still very entertaining.
Happy Hour Hysteria
Have you ever been out with friends and some random guy/girl came up and just made his/herself at home and just started talking? I mean pulled up a seat, created a conversation and just rolled with it?
Well, this happened to me, 3 of my boys, and a homegirl last week. It was at a restaurant called Bayou Cafe (their cornbread is EXQUISITE!). My man Vinny won a Happy Hour so we all met up there. We're eating, drinking, talking, and being merry when homeboy in the pictures below inserts himself into our party and just makes himself at home.
Dude started off a little creepy (and we were all leery) but eventually we all just realized he was 1) drunk, and 2) desperately seeking to have some people to hang with. So, we let him join in and create quite an entertaining conversation laced with "MF-ers", references to bling-bling, and plain old silliness. AndHe also seemed to have a penchant for laughing at himself and tapping/touching me on the shoulder every time he burst out laughing (like I was his boy or something). Naturally, my friends got a kick out of this and turned it into a Kodak (Nikon in this case) moment.

Of course the normal picture is of Vinny and Kev. it's no way they could have sent me the normal pictures of myself.

Superbowl: One-Liner style

Devin Hester is so vicious!
Prince killed it.
Tony Dungy deserved it.
Peyton is finally #1.
K-Fed might have had the funniest commercial.
Jay-Z beats Don Shula at a game of high-tech football? Yeah right!
Career Builder's Promotion Pit had me dying.
BHill knows how to cater a party!
4 Sapporos will NOT get me drunk.
Even 4 days later, people still think the Happy Hour Hysteria is comical.
Rex Grossman is a blooper waiting to happen. But he got a $1 million bonus for getting the Bears to the Superbowl. They should have given Lovie $20 mill
I feel bad for Lovie Smith.
Where was Vanity at halftime? What was she thinking? How about Morris Day?
Reggie Wayne kills me with his psuedo-Josephine Johnny Dance in the endzone.
There's nothing like a good Superbowl Party!
Comcast still sucks...
Nothing more to it. Just a reminder. I am still without the InterWeb and a telephone at home. Chalk up 3 weeks now. Better Business Bureau, open your ears (and eyes)!
Why do you know about stuff like the Josephine Johnny thing? That kinda bothers me a little bit man. Seriously. LOL.
I know some folks in certain areas who tell me about this type of stuff. Basically stuff that's specific to where they live. It's like me being from the DC area showing someone how to hee-haw or beat their feet (even though I don't know how to do either, LOL).
I actually learned about that Josephine Johnny joint from your cousin when he was in New Orleans. He told me about that dance and showed me that joint (well, not really) one time.
Dane, I am a sponge of the culture mayne! Soaking it all in.
"Ghostride the whip! Ghostride the whip!"
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