This month marks the
10 year anniversary of XML! Congratulations! I remember back around 2001 when I first started learning about XML and the guy I was working for (as an intern) at the Department of the Interior told me, "Oh, you have an XML book. Nice! You learn that stuff and you'll never have to worry about being employed."
Back then I didn't fully understand just how important XML was and would become or that I was starting to learn something that I'd eventually use and/or mention every day in my current position. Today, XML is a part of my everyday worklife and sometimes my non-worklife. From making decisions on marking up scholarly content to thinking about new data models in which to capture the details about my music collection. XML has many wide-reaching applications and is used to serve a lot of our everyday needs (RSS or Atom anyone?), but most of us would never know unless we were a part of the inner-workings of our/an organization's technical endeavors.
In the end I say all this to say, Happy Anniversary XML! And also, thanks for helping me stay employed ;-)

In addition to this month being the 10th anniversary of e
Language, this week is also
National Engineers Week (shot out to NSBE)! A lot of you know that I was an aspiring engineer in college and have an engineering degree. But if you know that you probably also know that I didn't really enjoy studying engineering very much and ended up becoming a wannabe web nerd after I graduated. And that's pretty much where I stand now. LOL.
Nevertheless, I have a TON of respect for engineers because of what I
endured went through in college and part of me is still an engineer in the sense of how I try to approach and solve problems (at least I think so). So even though I'm no longer an engineer I'd like to say kudos to my engineer friends (
KaishaAdia, LeVar, Sei What, etc.) and Happy Engineer's Week!
PS -
LawrenOrder too! ;-)
Best fake engineer out there!! YEAH! Much love to all the engineers, web nerds, applied math folks, and the scientist who hung out with them!
And I totally agree with you Mike, being in the company of engineers influences how you think through questions and solve problems. You'll actually come up with an answer that efficiently solves said problem. I appreciate having had that associative learning every day.
"Best fake engineer out there!" No doubt. I have a lot of respect for you and all the stuff you did for NSBE even though you weren't even an engineer. That took a lot of dedication and character.
Much love, Region 2 Terror Zone Executive Board member! I been in 2 other regions since then, and nobody does it like the duece did.
I haven't had an engineering job yet, but I can fake out the best of them with my head full of random facts from BME.
And to think I probably forgot 50% of what I learned about computer engineering in college.
ummm... maybe i'll honor this week by taking my diploma out of the tube they handed me after graduation! :) i hope it's really a diploma in there! lol
LOL. I am MAD you haven't even opened the daggon degree yet. You're a musician at heart though, at least that's kinda what I think.
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