"American, the nation's largest carrier, said Wednesday the fee for the first checked bag starts June 15 and that it would raise other fees for services ranging from reservation help to oversized bags. The other fees will mostly range from $5 to $50 per service, the airline said."I understand that fuel costs are rising and that your MD-80 planes all have wiring that's effed up. But seriously, if you're going to charge me an extra $15 for my first checked bag, you might as well roll that into your price and not mention the shyt. By announcing it, you're just going to make me avoid flying on your airline
It's bad enough I have to pay a fee if my bag weighs too much and also a fee for my second checked bag. Now you want to make me pay for traveling with 1 piece of checked luggage. That's just not right! I'm a guy and this outrages me so I can only imagine how women (who presumably pack even more than my dainty azz) will feel about this.
In my eye, this signals the end of American Airlines. Actually, the end probably began a few weeks ago when they grounded all those planes because of bad wiring. This is just confirming the writing that was already on the wall. I believe the consensus even before the downed planes and lame fees was that American Airlines sucked bawls anyway so I'm adding American to my "I don't eff with them bamas" list. Unfortunately, there are probably some routes that American Airlines has on-lock and people will be forced to take. Hopefully I don't end up in that category.
a lot of the other airlines all except for us airways have stated that they TOO will be joining this trend...so if you gotta fly, guess what you gonna pay...they already do it in Europe so it is what it is...
From what I understand not all airlines will be charging for the first bag, but the second bag. But I figure if there's not much resistance to this fee for the first bag many others may follow suit. We'll see. They may as well just roll that shyt into the price.
I am just going to keep it real. American Airlines initiated this fee because they have gotten sued so much over the past five years for their rotten customer service, quite frankly they need those fees.
I have worked on enough of these aviation cases to know, that AA sucks. I would be surprised if this becomes a trend all around, but yeah, don't fly American, not if you want good service.
I am still depressed that my airline of choice (Northwest) got bought out by, sorry, merged with, Delta. I have never ever ever had a problem with NW but have witnessed many an individual have all manner of problems with Delta. American Airlines must have lost their mind. They have far too many underserved routes to charge for checked baggage. Sure they probably get a ton of crap for lost, damaged, or misrouted luggage, but unless they're in the commuter airline market I feel they might want to rethink. The 4 flights I was on this weekend all had "overhead compartments" that barely fit a standard size briefcase. That or be a bit more descriminating when hiring your customer service employees. I mean... customer... service. If you don't like the customer you're not likely to provide the service and I'll go ahead and say though I witnessed many a not-so-bright customer which can only make some of these jobs impossible. (For instance a lady w/ a baby watch the ONLY car seat on the plane pass her 6 times, frantically look around for it, then proceed to the lost luggage area only to have the lady come out, pick it off of the carrousel and hand it to her).
LOL @ that lady w/ baby story.
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