...Georgian people don't care about South Ossetian people.
The facts:
- Georgia used to be a Soviet state.
- Prior to Russia invading Georgia, Georgia invaded South Ossetia to keep them from seeking independence and joining North Ossetia (which is IN Russia). Hmmmnnnn.
So this whole fiasco/invasion (no Lupe or Green Lantern) makes sense if you think about it. But Russia threw the "last punch" so they're the bad guys I guess. Not to mention it was one helluva punch.
You know how you watch a football game and one guy throws a punch and doesn't get caught but the guy who retaliates and hits back gets flagged or thrown out of the game. That's what we're working with here to a certain extent.
Georgia threw the first punch at Russia (be it directly or indirectly) by invading South Ossetia. Russia subsequently "George Bushed the button" on Georgia. Granted, Russia's response was definitely "disproportionate" as many analysts have stated. But at the same time it's like Hov said..."don't make me do it to you homie cuz I'll overdo it."

It's unfortunate and truly effed up that all those people were killed by Russian troops but the Georgian government had to know they were playing with fire. What I find interesting is how
Y'ALL PRESIDENT is at the Olympics and he runs into Vladimir Putin and allegedly tells him to (and I paraphrase) "chill with that shyt." And Putin supposedly gave George Bush a positive response that led Bush to believe things would be okay. And then Russia continued to plow (albeit not as hard) through more of Georgia.
ZING!Soooo, how do we solve all this? The way any two honorable countries should solve they're problems. Let the Russia vs. Georgia women's volleyball match decide the war's outcome.
And the winner is....