Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tila Tequila: Scrumpet Savant *slash* Osmotic Intellectual

Before I start I will say that all I know of Tila Tequila up until this point are the following two things:
  1. She was the star of a "reality" tv show where both men and women were in competition to win her "love".

  2. She accused NFL star Shawne Merriman of choking her.
Outside of those two facts, I knew nothing about Tila Tequila until I read a little on Wikipedia about her before writing this post. Absolutely nothing. Nor did I really care.

I only began to care yesterday when I read Charlamagne's tweets about Tila Tequila and they made me think...WTF? Then he posted these tweets below from Tila (read them from the bottom up).

The problem I have with these tweets is that there are some serious racial undertones and utter ignorance present. Not to mention that they infer the notion that she is informed and educated enough to advise Black men on how to act. Tila, please!

To cite a few of the items that jumped out at me...

Ignorance with a splash of stupidity: She mentions that she's "from a 3rd world country" yet she grew up in a gated community in Houston until she was 8. Last time I checked, that doesn't qualify your "community" for humanitarian aide from the U.N. Tila, please!

Ignorance with the racial undertone that black men are women beaters: In one reply to Charlamagne she says she doesn't know who he is and could not care (which is completely understandable) but on top of that she asserts (presumably because all she can see is that he is a Black man via his Twitter page) that he's probably a woman beater. I can only assume that this is because of Shawne Merriman allegedly choking her. This same racially-based stereotype is reinforced later when she says "is that when ya fellow BROTHA choked me up?" Well now. I guess I'm a woman-beater too. If she's making broad stereotypes based on race then I guess I also interrupt people at award shows and fight dogs. No way a "brotha" could be this articulate, educated, and successful without having beaten-up a few celebrity scrumpets on the way up. Or is our president just the exception that proves the rule? Tila, please!

Talking down: Tila goes on to say: "I see the ignorance stemming from a certain demographic...you will never help ur community get out of that stereotype." Huh? Before you start pointing the finger at Black people about stereotypes that exist about us, think about what types of stereotypes about YOUR people you could be facilitating. Tila, please!

In the end, I respect the fact that her family probably did work really hard to get themselves to the U.S. and provide a better life for Tila. But she was less than a year old when it happened so big props to her family for that, not her. I also respect that somewhere along the line, Tila may have worked hard to overcome (or at least try to overcome) some of the obstacles she's faced.

It's obvious she has had issues all of her life. But just because she felt attacked on Twitter she decided to throw caution (and her own troubled past) to the wind and hint at what Black men need to do to in order to better ourselves? She's not qualified. My momma is. My grandmomma is. Michele Obama is. But Tila Tequila, definitely is NOT.

I know she's still salty about the Shawne shytuation and maybe he did choke her, or maybe he didn't. Maybe she said some left-field racist shyt to him and THAT'S WHY he choked her. I don't know what happened and I definitely don't condone the abuse of women. But what I do know is that being D-list famous and having dealt with a Black man that you accuse of choking you does NOT qualify you to be a sociologist that analyzes the reasons black male stereotypes exist and how they can be eliminated. Stick to doing what you do best - being a scrumpet for the world to see - and worry about bettering yourself. Please, and thanks!


The Politics of Fashion said...


M.C. said...

I tried not to comment, but ah well. This alien-looking chic...*deep sigh*

Shawne Merriman did not choke her. Point blank, period. How do I know? I actually read the police report, in which they took pictures and got statements from her, Merriman, and other people at his house.

If she can explain to me, how choking her equaled her finally having bruising on her arms two days later, then she can solve the healthcare crisis!

Every witness at his house said that she was drunk and that he grabbed her, took her car keys and shut the door to keep her from driving drunk. So, Tila's lying ass can suck it.

As far as stereotypes, funny she should bring those up, considering she's swimming in them.
Non-black wanna-be celebrity chooses to date a black male athlete...(I'll leave that alone), who also happens to be rich and well-known. As soon as things go left, she calls the police and cries domestic abuse, then takes to Twitter and very conveniently starts comparing her "shytuation" to Chris Brown/Rihanna. Hmmmmm.

Plain and simple, her gated community East Asian Pacific ass would never have dated a black man (just check the people on her reality show) had he not been rich and famous, well-known and a rapper/athlete. So her theories on stereotypes is a fallacy considering she is the poster child for them!

Anonymous said...

I feel you re: the stereotypes. As for the Merriman shytuation, I couldn't care less. Didn't read the police reports or look into it. I just didn't want to seem partial to either side. But Chris Brown/Rihanna is a bit of a stretch, lol.

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of Chris/Rhi-Rhi, Shawne/Tila, Ike/Tina...dang. I think every woman on earth will someday in her lifetime experience/witness/be a victim of some or ALL forms of domestic abuse. VERBAL abuse is jus as great. But women need 2 FIGHT BACK & KEEP IT MOVING. @cthagod is HEE LARRY US! HA! I jack'd dat from his twitter. I follow em' & he's a A$$ but he still entertain & make it do what it do. Shout out 2 Charlamagne!!