Usher - Papers

There seems to have been some hoopla about this song and whether or not he should air his personal business out in his music... yadda yadda yadda. What is music without some real emotion people? Aside from that, Usher has a history (ahem, Confessions anyone?) of airing out his personal business through his music. And the last time I checked, Confessions was Usher's BEST FRIGGIN WORK! With that said, if this upcoming "Raymond vs. Raymond" CD (is that title not hilarious to you, lol) is anything like Confessions then Usher's going to have ANOTHER classic on his hands. Music is therapy for some, entertainment for some, and somewhere in-between for others.
David Banner - Something's Wrong

Honestly, there's something about David Banner that strikes me as EXTRA and I don't really embrace his music that much because of it. But on every CD he has a couple songs that I really like whether it's because it's one of those country club bangers or because he's talking about something that I connect with. This song is a case of the latter.
Rick Ross - Special Situation

This is boiler-plate Ricky Rawse music right here and by now you know how much I fool with Officer Ricky. This guy sure has a knack for picking some good beats. BAWSE!
Bonus coverage of Rick...
GodsIlla - Got Ya'll

"Rhyme like a clock w/no hands, straight timeless". I have known these guys since high school and it's great to see their grind paying off. And it's even greater to be able to post their music because I truly like it and not because I feel obligated. This is real hip-hop! Check 'em out and get familiar.
Kid Cudi - Soundtrack to My Life

I don't usually have many positive things to say about Kid Cudi but this song cranks! Real life shytuations = REAL music.
Rich Boy - Haters Wish

I think I like this song because of the beat moreso than what Rich Boy is saying. I'm not going to lie though I think that (at times) Rich Boy's country twang along with the way he stresses certain words/phrases in his verses makes up for his lack of lyrical ability. He is also fairly good at picking good beats. And as a rapper, if you can't rap very well you better be good at picking out nice beats until you start rapping well (see: Rick Ross).
Ok, I jus listenD 2 David Banner & da song is tight but coming from somebody who use 2 tell REAL HOES 2 get down on da flo...and NOW, WE GON SAVE R KIDS?! REALLY?! I dunno about his credibility with this 1. I'mma have 2 sleep on it & get back 2 U at a later date...2 B Continued.
I feel you but it's like the dichotomy/contradiction that Tupac seemed to be at times with his content and the same with Nas.
J. Cole said on a track I heard "I swear I'm like Huey mixed with Riley" (from the Boondocks).
I think a lot of us can relate to both sides of the "get down on the flo'" and saving kids argument.
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