Last night friends were over and we all ate food off the grill (shocker) and played Taboo! Here's a pseudo transcript. This is hilarious!!!
Thanks for the transcript L! I had to take a few items out though and add a couple editsLionel: I bonked on how to describe the Earth.
Bony (Me): It spins . . . We’re on it!
Bony: Kobe doesn’t like to . . .? [Attempting to get someone to pass.]
Prince: B came through just like Bruhhh-man with the head nod and everything. He took two plates!
Bony: We gonna get twelve this time.
Lionel: Look at you dancin’. Don’t be frontin’. That’s three out of six. Half the people in this room like Macy Gray.
Bony: Ya’ll gonna play Taboo?
Kevin: We were just about to roll.
Kelly: I was just about to ask if you wanted to play.
Lionel: Oh. I see. Speakin’ for your wife there, Kevin, like it’s 1950.
Lionel: Old school.
Bony: Walter Kronkite!
Bony: How many we gonna get this time, L?
Lionel: I don’t know, but it’s a prime number.
Lionel: Um . . . People love this performance around the holiday season. Tchaikovsky. It’s a stage performance.
Bony: ?
Mindelyn: ?
Lionel: On stage. Tchaikov –
Brandi: Time!
Osei: The Nutcracker.
Lionel: Work with me here.
Bony: You be usin’ those intellectual clues, L.
Osei: He said Tchaikovsky.
Brandi: Can you turn that down?
Bony: Girl, this is classic hip-hop!
Bony: Is that B-Hill? How long you been out there, B?
Bony: You just got some beans?
Brandi: Uh humm.
Bony: Make some room.
Bony: Crabgrass!
Bony: How many we gettin’ this time, L?
Lionel: Three-and-a-half?
Bony: How we gonna do the half, son?
Lionel: Watch.
Brandi: What’s the score?
Bony: A whole lot to a little.
Bony: But Boo, your team needs you.
Bony: How many we gettin’ this time, L?
Pi squared.
Bony: That’s like 9.12578364.
Lionel: Word.
Bony: Oh. It’s a whole lot of strippers named this? It’s a little . . .
Brandi: You can’t say “little.”
Bony: Damn. [30 seconds later.]
Bony: I’ma go back to one I missed. A whole lot of strippers. That was Bambi. Hee heeee!
Lionel: Could you have said Thumper?
Lionel: There are a lot of good reasons not to put 6,000 miles on your car. That’s just stupid.
Osei: But you still wanna do it?
Lionel: Yeah.
Bony: That’s mad good, son. You got mad skills.