Content = OMG
Young Money - Every Girl
Young Money (emphasis on the "young") is taking "it" (read: misogyny) to a whole new level with this one. Shorty the Pimp would be proud. I know I listen to some hard-core hip-hop but this song just made me re-evaluate the possibility of what hip-hop in the future will be if Lil Wayne is the "latest-greatest..." Not only that, it made me re-evaluate some of the stuff I've listened to and loved in the past.
A couple thoughts after listening to this one...
Fellas no matter how much you want to like this joint just imagine what your mom would think if she heard you listening to this. I know I listen to some stuff I probably wouldn't want my mom to hear but if I slipped up and she heard this particular song I might get a beating. Seriously.
How could you (in your right mind) play this while any self-respecting woman was in the car with you?
How could any woman allow a dude to play this with her in his presence?
SMH. Why would they waste such a good beat on a song with this content? Idiots! This could have been one heck of a radio hit if they turned the content in the opposite direction. BAAHHHHHHHH, idiots!

Ok, I'm calm now.
Yeah man...this ish is definately something you cant roll around blasting with your main chick in the car. Now the jump-off...why not? LOL! Man honestly I kinda dig the joint...but I wouldn't play this joint in front of my mother!
You can like the joint but no matter how much you like the song it's pretty much over-the-top disrespectful to any woman that you have respect for. Even a jump-off deserves more respect than to have that blasting in her ear while she's with you.
I like the song too as far as the production is concerned and if it wasn't as over-the-top as it is I'd probably like the content more too. But I just can't listen to the lyrics without thinking "d@mn what they are saying is kinda effed up."
Man I've heard far more degrading songs than this and seen girls dancing in the club to it. Respect for women in hip-hop vanished a long time ago. I dont even think they took it to a new level. On another note...the way Lil Kim was portrayed in Notorious was disrespectful!
I gotta check that movie out. I promised myself I wouldn't go the first weekend so maybe now is a good time.
And you make a good point about there being far more degrading songs. Maybe I like everything else about this song so much that I wish they could have done something else as far as the content goes.
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