Friday, November 18, 2005

PHOTOS: Wizards Lose, but I WIN when it comes to GREAT trips...

Even though Lebron dropped 37 on the Wizards, I had a wonderful time in Cleveland. The only thing that could have made this trip better was if the Wizards actually came out with a win.

But from the niceness of the people in the city to the hotel upgrade to a suite (for free) to the cheap drinks ($3.95 for a Ciroc and pineapple)...Cleveland's a wonderful place. I can't say enough about how nice the people of Cleveland were. So nice that I had to email my friend Brandi (who was born in Cleveland) and tell her how nice I thought the people in her city were and how much I like the city.

In comparison to people in other cities I've visited (I will refrain from naming them), the people in Cleveland were pretty much the nicest. Kudos to the wonderful people of Cleveland with their west-coast-sounding accents and kind demeanors.

I have some pictures from the trip below. We spent most of our time eating, drinking, and even went to a lil club (where the DJ was CRANKIN') after the game.

For some reason, the pictures seem to show up WAYYYYY below this text so you'll have to scroll down to see them.

Eating before the game....

Shot from the stands:

B sleep at the game...LMAO!

This is a HUGE billboard Nike has of Lebron on the side of a building right by the arena. IT'S HUGE!

Me and my Larry Huges (LOL) bobblehead:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone!

Hey Mike,
This is Naomi...Lionel's sister. I couldn't figure out how to send you an email on here, but i need to ask you something (it's about Lionel).....all good, though. Could you shoot me an email when you get this & we'll talk. Thanks.