The cost of an oil change is $29.99. Seems steep to me, but whatever. But the advertised price plastered to the see-through (ya'll like how I decided not to use translucent) window was $14.99. I didn't even notice the advertisement until the guy behind the counter mentioned it to me. But how did he mention it?
Guy: "If you want to apply for a [company_here] credit card I can give it to you for that price [points at $14.99 sign]."This made me realize that people must actually take them up on these offers from time-to-time. As if it's not bad enough that we run our credit cards to the limit like Rick Ross on silly stuff, we actually apply for mechanic credit???
Me: What price?
Guy: [pointing again]. That oneyou bumbling idiot!
Me: [a bit stupified] Ya'll gotta run my credit for me to save $15 on my oil change?
Guy: Yes sir.
Me: No thank you.
Pardon moi, but...How does this make sense?
This is one of those Meet the Parents moments (for me) courtesy of Denny:
"So let me get this straight, your name's Gay Focker?"
(you guys know this is classic stuff here)
"So let me get this straight..." I have a car that's a liability that turns into a credit card liability on top of the credit card liability I may already have? This makes no sense! But it does make you a Focker...A Dumb Focker! Man that's one of my favorite movies ever!
Anyway, let me not make it seem like I have not been a Dumb Focker myself. I did open an account at a certain women's store during my past relationship, so I can't front like I'm all high and mighty. In retrospect it was a bad decision, but it was made out of
I had to share this lil story because it caught me off guard and made me think about how many times I've been asked to open a Sears account, Target account, or some other credit line where they'd drop my credit score 10 points just by pulling it and I would eventually run myself into debt so large that only my life insurance policy could cover it. Sort of like that trillion dollar deficit they used to always throw around in political circles. All this debt-increasing, rather than just "sitting on money till I'm above the law", like Jay-Z once said.
Addendum: Just got off the phone with the "Guy" and he tells me that it's going to cost me $120 to change my oil and replace three taillights! LOL. It that's isn't CLASSIC, I don't know what is! Man I'm glad I know the little bit about cars that I do. Gotta love these mechanic guys. They're so wiley when it comes to preying on those who don't know! Fockers!
Man I hate mechanics. They gave me a grand education in "the rape" all throughout college. My credit is still hurting from those 4 years and "The Bucket" (Name I gave my car in college) LOL.
I think we've all been through it. I am just glad I have people like BHill, my grandfather, and Woo to help me by giving me information in situations like this. If I don't know something, I ask them. If they don't know something, then I break out the K-Y.
So just imagine being a woman...every freaking single time, its something else...2 oil changes ago I needed breaks, but last time I didn't need breaks, but new tires...so WHY did I need breaks the time before that...I am glad that i have my Dad and my brother who both know a lot otherwise I would be SH!T out of LUCK!
Yeah, they be trying to really gouge the ladies for money. But not all of them are like that. You just gotta find one you can trust and stick with him. No Johnny Gill.
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