I always knew that Tina Fey was pretty sharp and definitely funny. But I never really looked at her and thought about how good she looks. But I guess it's because of the clause in the male/female laws of attraction that forces most of us to look over the smart ones for the fine/attractive ones. Don't front like that shyt isn't the case.
But Tina Fey helped reinforce something I've known for quite a while...
Not hot like this...

But hot like this...

Yeah, that "take the glasses off and let your hair down" shyt! I am not gonna front I kinda have a secret (well not so much anymore) love for that. I'm a geek, I know. But on the flip-side, if you give Tina a chance, she might just surprise you.

I'm just saying.
And that's not to say that the first woman pictured above is not smart. But just saying that if all I had was a picture of each and a choice between the two women in the first two pictures above, I know who I'd be likely to choose.
I didn't really realize that Tina Fey was attractive to me until I started watching 30 Rock (which is friggin' hilarious by the way). I don't know if I'm the only guy who didn't want to readily admit that I thought she was hot in a study-buddy kind of way but that's definitely how I felt. A sucker for intelligence and wit...Yeah, that's me.
After I started paying more attention I had to give it to her. She's HOT! Albeit in that "I'm not trying too hard to be HOT but I'm still managing to be semi-awkwardly HOT while maintaining my true personality." You know the kind of HOT where a girl seems to either not realize how HOT she is (which by the way, is a good thing sometimes) or is just starting to realize that guys thinks she's HOT. Fellas, you DO know what I'm talking about, right? It's not just me...Is it?
I guess I should have put a disclaimer on this post stating that I'm a "SexyHot for
Anywho, I am going to go ahead and officially add Tina Fey to my Celebrity Sleeper Bun Bun list. Kelly and Sophia need to make some room. Paula is still in a league of her own though.
Okay, I have to put my foot down. I started watching 30 Rock towards the end of last season, and I kept telling myself I needed to write about how great the show is, but of course I procrastinated.
Then as the Emmy's approached and I heard about 30 Rock's nominations, the thought hit me again. And of course, I check you out tonight, and you have BEATEN ME TO IT AGAIN! I swear we are on the same page too often. I have been telling everybody about that show because I love it, not to mention Fey's character (reminds me a lot of myself).
Anywho, yes I think she's very pretty and I find it surprising that you like that "intelligent HOT" as you call it. However, I think you are a minority in that thinking. I have been trying to ditch my glasses for years simply because there is a discrimination associated with us hot intellects who wear glasses. Now all of a sudden Fey gets popular and Palin gets popular and women with glasses, or as Lil Rel calls them "blind dimes," are in. Who knew?
I have been watching 30 Rock for a couple seasons now off-and-on and the show is the epitome of my type of humor. Witty, often corny, often outrageous. I love the show.
If it were not for the show I doubt I would have even cared who Tina Fey was until the whole "I can see Russia from my house" moment on SNL. Incidentally, the name of my fantasy football team (one of them) was officially changed from PineyAppleSuckers (don't ask) to "ICanSeeRussia.FromMyHouse" after that SNL skit.
And since I am indirectly talking about politics, I had the opportunity to see Nancy Pelosi speak in Baltimore yesterday at the Pratt Library and I was itching to ask if she could see Russia from her house but I think it might not be appropriate for the type of event it was.
Obviously, I veered way off topic there. I can't say I beat you to a post about 30 Rock because this is less about 30 Rock and more about T.Fey (pronounced T-dot-Fey). So you should still do your post about the show. I'd like to read it.
I'm not sure why you find it surprising that I like intelligent HOT women. I mean I AM HIP HOP and all but SMART is the new gangsta! And I like to think that I am smart, LOL.
Ah man you just reminded me of Lil Rel. "Swear to ODD...Swear to ODD!"
ROFL!!!! Smart is the new gangsta? Well thank you for keeping me informed. And, as we get closer to the season premiere, I do plan to blog about the show, specifically my favorite episode from Season 1 about the Source Awards.
But I think you need to explain the whole "PineyAppleSuckers'? I mean I can't let that ride...maybe my mind is in the gutter but that sounds a little suggestive.
And I have to give you points for the Rel reference...I actually have an extra DVD of him, let me know if you want it, I think you would find it hilarious, what dat do!
PineyAppleSuckers....Start the video at 1:30.
Young Drizzle is one of the most entertaining rappers (in a funny way of course).
That Rel DVD...Holla at ya boy....mcarroll4716@yahoo.com
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