She probably so much more fun that Beyonce...

Shot out to PG County via the "Bun-Bun"...Seriously though. Can you imagine Beyonce actually going to an amusement park and letting that widdeave get wet?
Kelly might not be as flyyy/phat/famous (read "high fuggin' maintenance") overall as Bey. But dammit I bet she's probably one humble and down-to-earth chick after dealing with those Knowles's. Especially Mrs. Jay-Z. And she still has the sex appeal to satisfy ya fellas:

Let me make it clear that I am by no means saying I don't like Beyonce. That would be one helluva lie. I like 'em sexy/flyy/well-dressed too! But there needs to be some sort of common ground between being that daily DIME and being that down-a$$ chick who can rock some sweats and running shoes and kick back. Seriously ladies, there's NEEDS to be a common ground!
Photos courtesy of THE BASTARDLY
You already know I feel you on this one dogg.
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