Thursday, October 5, 2006

Kelly Rowland: My Celebrity "Sleeper" Bun-Bun

UPDATE: More evidence of why Kelly Rowland is beauterrific to me! Shot out to the GoldenGirl for these pics.

She probably so much more fun that Beyonce...

Shot out to PG County via the "Bun-Bun"...Seriously though. Can you imagine Beyonce actually going to an amusement park and letting that widdeave get wet?

Kelly might not be as flyyy/phat/famous (read "high fuggin' maintenance") overall as Bey. But dammit I bet she's probably one humble and down-to-earth chick after dealing with those Knowles's. Especially Mrs. Jay-Z. And she still has the sex appeal to satisfy ya fellas:

Let me make it clear that I am by no means saying I don't like Beyonce. That would be one helluva lie. I like 'em sexy/flyy/well-dressed too! But there needs to be some sort of common ground between being that daily DIME and being that down-a$$ chick who can rock some sweats and running shoes and kick back. Seriously ladies, there's NEEDS to be a common ground!

Photos courtesy of THE BASTARDLY


Daneger said...

You already know I feel you on this one dogg.

Anonymous said...
