Thursday, October 6, 2005

Babyface and Tracy Edmonds break up...WHERE'S THE LOVE?

When I first read this, I was like DAMN! I looked at these two in a similar light as I do Will and Jada. And these two have been together LONGER! We never really think about BAbyface and Tracy b/c they're not always in the limelight like other celebrity couples. Me, being naive, I assumed that this was probably a good thing and being out of the limelight meant they were enjoying life with one-another without the papparazzi! This really disappoints me man. This actually hurt my feelings a little.

When you're hopeful and have dreams of a healthy, everlasting marraige and a couple that you assume (here we go assuming, right) has that splits up, it disappoints you a lot. Fellas, you might call me soft for this one, but it is what it is.

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