Friday, October 7, 2005

What's all this talk about me sending forwards?

Lauren, Lauren, Lauren,

First and foremost, I have NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER been one to send out massive amounts of email forwards. In fact, I can't stand it when people send me forwards all the time. I even recall me sending out an email that consisted of the top ten reasons NOT TO SEND forwards in an effort to get people to stop sending them to me.

Kings of forward? Me and L...HUH? I'm missing something here.

And by NO MEANS am I reprimanding you guys from posting comments. I LOVE it when people post comments b/c I know half of the people who read my blog entries do just that (read them) but don't comment and I wish they would. All I was saying was that L's comment was so lengthy it might as well have been an entry in his own blog rather than a comment in mine (let alone anyone's blog) because of the length of the comment. Take a look around at some other blogs and count how many times someone dedicated that many paragraphs to a blog comment. Then take a look at some blog entries and see how they're much lengthier than comments. If you still don't get it, well there's no hope for you just like there's no hope for L when it comes to bowling.

So L, Lauren, post away, PLEASE! This whole day has been quite confusing and weird as it culminates. I feel weird in a WTF are you guys talking about kinda way, but yet-and-still, it remains ALL GOOD!

Hopefully this ends all this confusion about posting to my blog. "Thank you for coming out, God bless you, good night!"


Jazz said...

I'm all messed up in the game. Meant to leave a comment but instead wrote an email. Got warned that it was too long so I posted it to my sight. Uhhhhh.. This is tiring.
So here's what I wrote in effort to leave a comment:
Now this is funny! I tried to write a comment but which was completely thwarted when it registered greater than 300 characters. So just a Lauren suggested...I'll link it to my blog 'cause some stuff you just gotta get out!

Forget all that, now that I know how to leave a comment here the dang thing is:
FYI- I tried to post it again and then the message said no URLs. Dag run a tight ship!

At long last the comment...
Well, well, well, indeed it is a dangerous thing when rich minded Black folk get together; let alone banter back and forth on topics that remain completely irrelevant to someone like me. Yeah- you want to know why? Well, since you asked this type of friendly competition for a place in academia, >100 at the bowling alley and anything else in between is much taken for granted b/c you could always be way out in me, where (and yes I can damn near compete with L-not academically but as a stand alone entity amongst the masses) you are one of few deeply hughed folks that 1)has a degree 2)actually left your birth city 3)traveled to more than canada 4) speaks more than a shotty pigeon form of spanish or any other language acquired in high school and 5) at least have an incling of a better life that it visible but is somehow unnattainable (at least at this point!)
hmmmmp--well I won't belabor the point as Mikey is getting pissed at blog style comments but at least you people actually see each other, can have intellectual conversations in person and/or have the privilege of seeing more than 1 intellectually stimulating Black person every 25 people!
I guess some consolation is that we're all the only one when it comes to something, but being the one of few Black folk in a city like mine...well, that's almost even too much for me!
So keep blogging my intellectually savvy and superior brethren b/c at least virtual reality gives us social stimuli deprived office workers something through which to live vacariously!

Now after all that trouble with posting the comment...I take everything I said back. I may be one of few here but at least everyone minus me knows how to post a dag'on comment right?! LOL!

Tamecia said...

Hey peoples,

It's Mesha. I got an email about this from Lauren. It's great...almost like a NSBE e-board meeting gone awry.

Keep hope alive! I'm in Boston, where there are a few highly educated of the in-with-the-melanin crowd, but there is still something wrong...

Anonymous said... seems fair to say that L's essay went beyond the realms of a blog comment. Nothing personal, just an observation. Anyway, at least it has increased the commenting on M's blog...good times...

Anonymous said...

Man!!! I like Shirin!

Anonymous said...

#1 Please stop using those big words. You're speaking to people less-educated than you (i.e. - normal people). Injudicious? It doesn't sound as good when people don't know what the words mean! Perhaps the following: "Man, Bony always uses bold text when there's no need." Then we all can understand. Hell, I had to go and look the daggon word up, MAN! And I like to think that I have been slightly educated.

#2 Bold doesn't necessarily denote yelling/shouting. However, CAPS DO!

Anonymous said...

so... i just felt left out. didn't really have anything constructive to add to the dialog :\ whadup mesha.. hey L... smooches jazz... oh yeah... hi mike :)