Thursday, January 19, 2006


Am I the only person who saw King James pass up a WIDE-OPEN 3-pointer to win the game last night in Denver and instead opt to pass the ball Slava Medvuluvic (whatever this guy's name was...who cares, he sucks)???

MAN that pissed me off. And then Carmelo goes and gets a one-on-one with Ira "Why Am I Even in the NBA" Newble's bum a$$ and Melo makes a "Joe Montana in the airport commercial jab-step" and dunks it! Man! Melo is NICE though so I ain't mad he took advantage of that opportunity.

But I guess what people say about Lebron is true at this point in his career. He doesn't have that killer instinct at the end of the game where he just takes over and pulls and MJ and takes damn near every shot for the last 3-minutes of a close game. Instead he'll pass to my grandmother in the first row of the stands and expect her to make the shot. Come on LeBron, you're my favorite player man...You're a superstar! Take the shot! Nobody will care if you miss it b/c they know the only other person on the team who can make a shot in that situation DOES NOT EXIST. And this is YOUR team. They live and die with you man! Be their leader. Don't be afraid to be selfish when it's in the best interest of your team.

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