You thought I was going to post one of the
crotch shots, didn't you?

This pic gets my vote for the best Beyonce picture of all times. I know you're going to wonder why but if you really think about it guys/gals, it's pretty simple.
- She does not appear to have a sheitload of make-up on.
- She looks to be expressing herself just like a normal person would (hence the smile) and not a programmed robot controlled by Daddy-Knowles (why do I always think of Ike Turner when I think of Beyonce's daddy?).
- She has on regular business (casual?) attire which I am a complete sucker for on a woman. I don't know if this is House of Dereon (which I doubt because there are no sequins) or not but I likes this outfit.
- She is showing some personality.
In a nutshell, sometimes the most beautiful moments for women are when they are just plain ole natural. Not in a ball gown. Not in an inch-think layer of makeup. Not in heels. Not in that cocktail dress. Not in lingerie. Aside from being nude (ha), the most beautiful moment for a woman can be when she's doing something she naturally does every day of her life like the way she brushes her teeth, a funny expression she makes, the way her posture is when she stands, or the way she smiles at you. The above picture just seems like a natural moment for Beyonce (who I almost always associate with being a programmed robot for some reason) and I think it's beautiful. I guess this is why Hov put a ring on it.
I totally agree that being Natural is the way to go for men and many folks walk around bedazzled these my cousin said Saturday night "naw she ain't cute she got to much MUD on her face, she'll mess a white tee up quick" CLASSIC but very true...
LOL @ your cousin.
"She has on regular business (casual?) attire which I am a complete sucker for on a woman."
You totally have this whole naughty librarian, sexy teacher fetish going. First Tina Fey, now Beyonce in a business suit??? Hmm, interesting.
I like cute, smart chicks...Shoot me!
Don't get me wrong, I am definitely not hating, it's cute actually.
I agree
She wore this same suit on Ellen and performed and I really felt like she was handling business. Loved the suit myself. Cute, smart chicks are definitely the way to go. At least with those you have a better chance at getting the things that some men don't SAY that they want...the boardroom-bedroom thing. She eventually takes the suit off and relaxes in some grey sweatpants (ur favorite) and a tank top at the crib...but you can't slap a suit on a flaky bombshell and send her to the boardroom and not lose all your money. I'm with you, but I'm looking for the man in the suit. We've been trained well not to waste time...NSBE represent!
LOL @ you saying grey sweatpants are my favorite. You got me there.
Region 2 representing!
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